Taking a break

…from the forums.

All this negativity is getting to me. I’m finding that every time I visit the forums, I leave with a knot in my stomach. The stuff some people are doing isn’t healthy, really it’s not.

Yeah I could have just left without a post, but you know… There’s a few decent folk out here I’d like to say ‘bye for now’ to and wish them happy holidays.


Merry Christmas to you too Tah.

See you when you come back.


Good luck to you bruh and never let people cowering behind a keyboard get to you, walk away and let them shake their baby fist in anger at a foam flecked screen.


Can I have your forum gold?


merry xmas Tahra! see you inforum soon!


Sorry you feel like that but I can see why. Some people have no filtering system between something popping into their head and posting it in the forum. 90% of the posts being about the MT don’t help.


I totally agree with you, you little gnome​:face_with_raised_eyebrow::grinning: so much negative treads from old players that cant cope with development. They are to affraid to just leave the game and make their oppinion with their wallet instead of making negative treads. Happy customers are just happy and do not tend to make positive treads just when you purchase a product and are happy. It is always the ungappy customers , which are quite few and quite the same People in here. Cu in game when I kill your gnomish b…!!!

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays fellow gnome!

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Take care Tah, and see you soon!


Enjoy your next forum :).

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Merry Christmas and all the very best for the new year!!
Just want to personally thank you, I don’t spend a huge amount of time on these forums, and I very rarely comment.

Yet, I have always found your posts, light, amusing and entertaining. They have produced smiles and outright laughter, and that my friend is a gift to be treasured.

Come back soon, yes there are bad apples, and the others in the barrel often get bruised. However know that you were appreciated!!

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I know the feeling Tah have a great break and festive season and give the pupper a hug from me please :hugs: :kiss: :heart:


If you continue to let others have this much influence over you, as might be expected, you will have a difficult time.

I never put the onus on someone else to change, I adjust my behavior accordingly, if some random on the internet is being negative, why exactly should I be bothered by this?!

I honestly don’t get it.

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Merry Christmas to you and remember to take good care of yourself. :gift: :grinning:


Merry new year and happy holidays.



Considering the same tbh

I came to the forums for the jokesters, they have clearly left, so now its just a whining fest & people defending said whining, about every little thing

It makes me bitter everytime i visit the forums, so i can’t blame ya, good luck wherever you will end up in the future! and Merry Christmas


Wise choice, Tah. Wish you a great Christmas period.


It’s a good time to take a break from the forums. :smiley:

Actually, any time is a good time to take a break from the forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

Enkoy your :christmas_tree: and come back content and refreshed. :+1:

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not surprising you do spend a lot of time here …

will probably do you good to get away for a bit may even find other things to enjoy

good luck!

i prob wont be here when u get back so cyas :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: finally got around to looking it up my sub offically ends on the 7th of JANUARY…

i said the 11th so i wasen’t that far off.

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I’ve not been on the game or the forums much the last few weeks, been busy with IRL stuff. Enjoy your time off and have a great Christmas and New Year!!

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