I’m leveling a warrior and at level 22, the started build recommended I get the talen Frothing Berserker, which does something with what is presumably an ability called “Rampage”.
I don’t know that ability, I assume i’ts learned at a later level.
This poses two problems in my opinion:
You learn a talen that affects an ability you don’t have, making the talent useless until you get the ability.
For the same reason, i may utterly confuse new players who might not know “Rmpage” is an ability you would one day learn.
This is clearlyan oversight in design, as not only is it possible to obtain the talent BEFORE the ability, but also the STARTER build actually RECOMMENDS it, which even as a veteran player feels jarring.
You dont get what he means. This is indeed poorly done by Blizz.
First off, rampage should be baseline for fury spec and not something we can choose. You simply can’t make a fury build without Rampage.
Just makes no sense at all. Let us save that talentpoint for something else.
And secondly as he said, it makes no sense that you talent into a mod of an ability that you don’t even have, yet.
While OP has a point, “Frothing berserker” is (Taking the shortest possible route) 3 points into the general warrior tree, and “Rampage” is (Again, the direct route) 4 points in.
So unless OP goes out of their way to avoid taking “Rampage” (Unlikely, since it’s a very important rotational ability), this problem lasts… a level or two, a bit sloppy to put the buff before the skill (The trees are apparently designed to fill in at level cap, with levelling consistency being a secondary concern), but it’s hardly a big issue, IMO.
technically you could learn frothing berserking at lvl14 and rampage at lvl27
which is really just nonsensical
shows a lot of how much ‘work’ was put into fury imho
Seems like an oversight.
Frothing berserker gives each specs main spender a chance to refund some rage.
So there is nothing wrong with the placement of Frothing berserker, just the fury version of it.
Before we get Rampage slam would be our only rage spender, maybe execute if you don’t spec into it.
Though slam just doesnt do any damage as fury even at that level so the filler would just be whirlwind which does not cost any rage for fury either.
Rampage should be earlier in the tree, among the first talents you choose like it is for pretty much every other class.
At least for now until they introduce a build that does not require it.