Talking head annoyance

Please can you give us the option to completely get rid of “Talking head”. Even when unticked, the annoying talking head keeps popping up and I hate it. Flying around constantly getting the pop ups when I just want to explore is becoming a big annoyance.

Please give us the option to remove it.


I suggest the addon Leatrix. It removes them and actually works.


Another addon that just removes the talking heads is


decapitation is the only way to remove a head


The talking head whenever I do a dragon racing WQ makes my fps freeze for a moment… :expressionless:

Thanks, I’ll get it. Shouldn’t have to get an addon to get rid of it though. It gives the option in edit mode, but it still pops up.


The talking head is always decapitated I think. At last I’ve never seen its body. :smiley:

Anyway, there’s an addon called HideTalkingHead. It hides the head but keeps the voice intact.

I have considered installing BeQuiet instead.

World quests are super annoying tbh. I appreciate the idea of having them be spaced out so you have several days to do them - that is a good idea - but I think I should have to pick them up first, honestly. Besides, with dragonriding and them all likely being near each other anyway, that won’t take long. You do them if interested, and if you’re not, you don’t, and you don’t get bothered by them.

The talking head should just go in general. This isn’t StarCraft or Warcraft 3 - we are not some etherial being above the clouds commanding armies, we are a person with a location and a set of senses. #myimmersionpls


If you just want to hide the talking head but keep the audio and text in chat frame then this will do that. Simple and lightweight. It’s what i’ve always used since they added the silly talking head.

I just want a scaling option for it in Edit Mode.


I mean I don’t know why it’s even in Edit Mode as you can’t turn it off or on, as it stays on anyway. :tipping_hand_man:

Or just a hide option. We shouldn’t have to install an addon to get rid of such an obviously superfluous feature. The text can alreaedy be seen in the chatbox, voice clips can already play based on the chatbox, and the face we have already seen when we visited the person.

I mean, I hope I was being helpful with the addon and all that, but I just can’t help myself from expressing my opinion on just how incredibly misguided and confused the UI team appears to be. The number of unnecessary and strange UI elements grow by the day, and simple things like proper scaling when switching aspect ratios just aren’t taken into account in their design at all.

WoW’s UI wasn’t made for the modern game, especially not its keybind layout and the way it treats buffs and debuffs, and Blizzard is spending all their time faffing about with low resolution textures. It’s irritating that I can’t invite a new player to the game and expect for them to have a good experience using the UI just booting it up. I have to spend as much time explaining things as I do when I want to invite someone to play D&D, and that’s a pen and paper roleplaying game where you have to know the rules by obvious necessity since no logic can be executed without your explicit knowledge, and one of the most complicated in the world at that.

Incidentally, as I was writing this post, I got a like in this thread, which reminded me of it:

They just keep adding all this useless nonsense and faff with no regard for how to make the UI work for basic tasks such as seeing what the opponent is capable of or checking what your status effects are. Why did the game need a giant non-click-through pop-up to inform me of this? Would it not be sufficient to write it into my chatbox as was done previously?


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