In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Talnivarr in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Sunstorm/Zunneh here.
Decimation is back! Half of the original guild is back to play. We’re all grownups now with Jobs/partners/kids etc. We are looking for people who wants to raid twice a week. Wed + thursday during progression. Wed + sunday during farm. At the moment of this post we have 55 ish players, not all are planning to raid. Hit me up on discord Zunneh#8369 if you would be intrested in joining the best guild on talnivarr during vanilla. (4th in EU 7th in World to clear Nax 40)
Hofer, And an Imaginary Friend. Alliance, Druid.
Anyone from AAIF really, or any other people that can remember me.
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Bagzy, Human Mage
Fear then Decimation towards the end of classic/TBC
No one specific.
Weasel on deathwing , Tornado on Talnivarr ,
Paladin in decimation untill TBC.
looking forward to classic !
Utamar here! (I played hunter - for some reason it shows my alt druid here )
I played in many guilds, I probably wont remember all, and maybe I also mix them up with TBC & WotLK guilds.
I played in TBB (GM was Robin), The Exalted Champions (I think Elania or something was the GM there?), I am not 100% sure if I was in First Blood in Vanilla, but remember People such as Vuston 
I also spent alot of vanilla time in Dawning. Where we had players such AS Shogo, Arywen (Spelling?), Cherekee, Jimmeh, Reborngg/Rebsgg & Ukano. These are the names I remember on top of my mind.
I was in Deci in TBC/Wotlk if memory serves right?
Apologize if any obvious memory mistakes - 12-14 years later sure messes things up 
I am planning to play on a Scandinavian server. We are already around 1500 Norwegians planning to join forces - hopefully swe and denmark also join 
Hit me up at Utamar#0025 on Discord for ultimate nostalgia flashbacks
I am convinced classic will overtake BFA in terms of active playerbase
I did 5s with Cherekee and Jimmeh. I remember playing you and Ukano in 2v2 too. Great to see some of the old names cropping up.
Aha cool you remember us
I am not 100% sure if I remember you. Gnome Male Mage? Me and Ukano always fought over gear 
My best memory with him was from when we corpse camped Reliza in Tyrs Hand. We stood Back to back with a /torget Reliza /cast Serpent Sting Macro. Poor guy, it impossible to escape. We were known as U-Brothers back then. Sadly I dont think he will be playing Classic. Hes a RL mate of mine, so we are still in touch 
Male human mage called Bagzy shudder. Sadly that char is 70 still I think. I was in Deci in TBC as a Dranny paladin called Phyx. Ah, Reliza! Female UD rogue right?
Yes! He was Female UD Rogue 
I will take a casual approach this time around. But nice to know classic will stay forever - there is no rush.
Lol straight away I see Some familiair names and guilds 
Thrain/yakumo/pleister here
Played in The Ravens/TBB/veneratio. Later migrated with my rl friends Moustache, Ordina and Verrio to Neptulon server.
Oh But the memories! Setting up the classes for the raids (huntards!!!
Utamar defenetaly remember your name. I was So happy when my Thrain GoT his Rhok delar
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All the good people!! Lu’cy human Priest (mostly shadow) from insurgence/torment and Pvper 
~Feels Hyped~!! I recall you all !
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Ne here (Hu Warlock) would say ex decimation member but my alt rogue is still a member
glad to see some old familiar names already
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Twice a week, eh? Didn’t we raid six times a week back in the days? What a schedule. Oof.
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Haha, so sick
So many memories
Ukano, Utamar, hate and love you to this day, i still hate that macro
And hi sunstorm! what server will u guys play on? And please do list some of the people that are back! Great memories
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Bring back reborngg, jimmeh & elania!
the exalted champions must rise once again
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Human Warlock
Guild Russian Kingdom (BWL 7/8)
Gus (Human Warrior) / Arywen (NE Hunter). Was the Guild Leader of Dawning for Classic / TBC.
Really looking forward to Classic.
Currently have a couple of friends from then and looking to start a guild on Shazzrah, but going to give Horde side a shot this time.
Message me if you may me interested.
P.S. Hey Utamar.
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