Talnivarr (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hey Krunk! We had some good times in Wrath! :slight_smile:

Clopp, UD Mage, played in Wrath then State of the Art!


Clopp! :joy:

Sooo many years have past :astonished:

Brutaan, Tauren Druid(Wrath, Grr)

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Jeroth, feral druid from Pariah. Looking for some familiar names.
/wave Mordius

:joy: Clopp#2997 adda

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Where is our Rank 14 pvp group Zacred, TT, Swiftleaf, Toga, Derathor :slight_smile:



Nihilus rank 14 orc warrior, also known for /spitting alliance :stuck_out_tongue: .


Eyyy several old RipSpawn players are returning. Any lost souls out there feel free to add: Krowlios#1731


Shlyna, undead priest !
From the guild Horde Style

Hey there!

A bunch of people from Sacrilege/CP (including Inara) are playing on Flamelash, if you’re interested!

Flottelotte - Orc warrior

Guild: Plan B

Hey Clopp! Great to see you’re well.

Rank 11 Orc Shaman: Quadros


or should I say RîpSpâwñ or however it was spelled lol.

Funny, I totally remember Last Stand going on to Cráb People.
Booty Bay Bullies, Madhouse, Grr.

Good times :’)

Rank 13 tauren shaman: Tauross
Used to play with Madhouse, Wrath, Disguised Intelligence.

Currently on Ten storms with a new shaman “Kjellerklang”.

Name: Petek/Peetek later on played as Arogon
Race: Undead Male later on Undead Male
Class: PRIEST later on played as Rogue
Guild: Army
LFM : Majinbuu, Serethen, Crayli, Inari, Darkwarrior, Risager… and so meny other ppl i sherd 10 yers with! And we came from Daggerspine
Add me : Binder#2354

Crab people -Mayoto, good times :slight_smile: