In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Talnivarr in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
I joined this amazing Talnivarr community back in 2005 with my character Krunk the Troll Shaman then Chachee the Undead Mage.
Its been so long I don’t remember all the guilds I was a part of but it all started with Wrath, then Madhouse and I think ended with Crab People.
Hope to bump into some of the old guard again in game.
Love to all.
phantomax/khazra - > most notably State of the Art, Deceiver of Fools. unsure where to go in classic but will try a mage.
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Undead Rogue: Snooks
Troll Frost Mage: Judderman
Guilds: Shadow Pact and Ripspawn
Started Sacrilege on Deathwing (with Phonix & Electro), left for Uni and rejoined when it was Crab People on Talnivarr under Inara as GM.
UD Warlock: Rift
BE Pala: Kheala
Tauren Shaman
Guilds: Madhouse, State of the Art, BBB
Tauren Warrior
Guild: Madhouse
Mordius here!
Your lovable UD mage from Pariah. (think we moved from Deathwing originally 
Hope to find someone from the good old MC40 times 
Almost all i remember from here!
I joined end of vanilla only and was in Madhouse for almost all of tbc.
Feeki, ud priest,
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Rane UD Warlock
Hi all vanilla and tbc friends
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Bassen Tauren Warrior + all the other classes
Golemagg in Classic
Horde side
Add me on discord Bassen#2176 for more info about guild etc
No chance! DUDE!!! <3 Ogarash the lolshaman! Vrede - Grr 
Azkalor, Orc Hunter
Never reached maxlevel and I do not remember guildname tbh.
Remember a mage named Ced which I raided SW with once, but that might’ve been after my swap to Frostmane aswell. 
Actionfaggy, UD, Mage.
Actiondyke, UD, Rogue.
Junglist/Sturmtruppe, Troll, Hunter
Hiya all 
Serapis undead priest , rank 12 in the best horde pre-made ,off leader and later leader of pre-made i dont rly recall any of names of my friends spend hundred of hours in Bg and almost never loss a single match . if anyone coming back and you know for which pre-made am talking … plz mail me , ill be glad spending time with you guys again so much fun back then <3
Fick ett leende ändå upp till öronen när jag såg dig skriva 
Lägg till mig på Discord: NiiZ#4907
Vart allt för länge sen.
Och Tack! Tack för att du frapsade Ragnaros och la upp den. Evigt tacksam att det minnet finns bevarat!