Taming the world

Hi, is it possible that one day maybe in SL the achievement " taming the world " can be finished without having to create a character on the other faction ? i’m stuck at 39/40 and for absolute stupid reason ( i only play on horde , call that stupid or not its not as stupid as completing this achievement ) , if you’re horde you HAVE TO create a character on the alliance side and do a quest there to finish the achievement ? just why ? why not use a master tamer in bfa to complete the achievement ?

It’s a mystery.

I maintain that the original levelling and progress experience in pet battling as introduced in Mists was a MASTERPIECE, a wonderful tutorial and discovery experience.

And then they did the faction thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

The whole “Horde does Kalimdor; Alliance does EK” thing is confusing and led people into getting stuck and in too many cases just giving up. Whyyyyyyyy?

And the one extra battle needed on the other faction is the last, pointless, confusing, annoying grasp of that deeply bad idea.

Nothing I can tell you, I’m afraid. Suck it up. You can get it done in half an hour.

At least when you’ve done that, you’re free of the badness.

back then when pet battles were genuine fun :cry:

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