Tank / dps Death Knight looking for a guild

Hello! DK here looking for a guild to raid and run M+ with.
I’m hoping to find a chill and social guild that is still relatively ambitious.

Currently 595ilvl and mostly pugging M0 as Blood but I’m comfortable and willing to play any DK spec in both raid and dungeon.

edit: battletag is Rehn#21326 :slight_smile:

Is your greatest weakness chocolate? The only unique thing about you is that you are a twin, but you would like to coordinate mental health prevention initiatives? Then SaveCowEatPanda Criminal record is a must! discord.gg/hrzF4ru and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

Hey there!
We’re a fresh new guild looking to recruit members to get into raiding and other shenanigans. While we’re new we are already growing and looking to get started with some boss killing in not too long.
If you are still looking for a guild we’d be happy to have you with us.
I’ll leave my forum post here and if you’re interested you can take a gander. Thank you

Check my recruiting form here if interested let me know.