I am a returning player looking to join a relaxed group ideally raiding after 10pm/22:00 realm time due to time commitments.
I am available most evenings so day of the week isn’t a large issue.
I am looking to raid 2 times a week, and no more than 3 times a week, and am ideally looking for relaxed heroic progression, not mythic.
I have experience in both mythic raiding, having progressed during the end of WoD, Legion and the start of BfA, where life changed, having began Uni and getting into a committed relationship. I also carried curve for all those tiers, and raid lead most events. During Legion, I also began pushing mythic + keys and would like to continue doing so in the future. My previous main was Didgood-Draenor.
Having returned to the game less than a month ago, and with my active hours being so late in the day I have not yet had the chance to do much raiding, however have geared up using m+ and now would like to find a permanent home and people to play with.
I am also willing to server transfer, but not faction transfer (Blood Elf Purist ).
To contact me:
Didgood#2544 - Btag
Didgood#5064 - Discord
Cheers for reading