Hi all,
I’m a returning player from SL season 1 currently looking for a new guild for Dragonflight. I’m a laid back guy who likes to get involved in the social side of a guild and with no issues talking over disc. I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla.
What I’m looking for:
My main focus is to achieve AOTC and push +20s each tier.
However, I am interested in pushing myself in mythic progression raiding providing that a guild can provide the right atmosphere - that is a team of likeminded players each trying to push themselves in a drama-free / non toxic environment. I’m not worried about getting CE each tier but this should be the goal.
What I play:
I’m a tank main but, I understand how competitive tank spots are in raid teams and so I am happy to play mDPS and flex into tank whenever needed (alt runs, covering absence etc).
My main will depend on class tuning closer to launch but is likely to be VDH/Havoc, Blood/Unholy or Prot/Fury.
My last full raid tier was Castle Nathria where I was raid leader for my guild achieving 5/10 M (with several sub-10% wipes on 6/10). My logs for this tier averaged 89.4% in mythic prog (Tanderbloff - Guardian Druid, Draenor).
My Availability:
Perfect Raid Nights: Mon & Thurs
Other Available Nights: Tues, Wed, & Sun
Not Available: Fri & Sat
Times Available: 19:00 - 23:30
If any of this sounds interesting or if you have any questions then drop me a message.
Discord: Freeman#5875
Thanks for reading.