Hi Litmoon.
It sounds like our guild might fit the bill.
I run a horde social/casual raiding guild, recently transferred to Tarren Mill from the low population realm of Lightbringer. Due to the fact that Blizzard removed the ability to transfer guilds, we’ve had to leave our old guild, established in 2007, behind, and form a new one. We have brought the vast majority of our active members with us, and still maintain an active raiding and M+ scene.
We adhere to the principals that real life comes first, and that we’re recruiting people, not characters, so it doesn’t really matter WHAT you play, as long as you enjoy playing it. Having said that … we are currently on the look out for someone who enjoys tanking, but also has the ability and willingness to switch to dps.
We raid twice a week, Wednesday (9.00 -11:30 server time) and Friday (9.30 to midnight server time). We do expect people to put in a little effort - ensure they have the various enchants, flasks, etc, but we can also help with those if needed. We have a resources site where we also give more information and some quick tips on various fights: https://www.darkwolves.info
But don’t let that put you off … we’re actually a nice bunch of people, willing to help, raiding for fun and unlikely to get anywhere fast. But what’s the point in playing if you’re not having fun? 
We also have plenty in guild who run M+ of varying levels - regularly having a “mythic Monday” where members and visitors to our discord can take part in low level, mentored, no pressure M+ runs. Together with various ah-hoc runs throughout the week of varying levels - from the no pressure runs, to the higher level “aiming to time” runs.
Feel free to visit our discord to find out more: https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe
Finally, we have a website where you can find our rules and more about us, alongside an application to join, if you’re interested: https://www.darkwolves.eu