Hey i am Prot war 390. Frost mage 395 with 9/9 Normal 7/9 hc progress so far and i looking for a guild to do all the content with. Anywhere from m+ (1.4kio score last season) to hc raiding and potentially mythic. I have played this game for a very long time , but that is quite irrelevnt i have done the content in most roles and was raiding at the highest level durning TBC and Wrath and Half of legion. I would like to find a new home where people are chatty, active and engaged. Contact me on bnet Clionitas#2159 if you have any offers. Looking forward to it !
Sten/ Ghhal
Hey there. I have sent you a battle net friend request. Our guild is currently lf a tank. We are planning to pursue heroic BoD and we run lots of M+. Refer to our guild recruitment post for more details:
If you have more questions, let’s chat!