Tank spec and Rogues?

I think 90% of the people in the arena forums would agree that tanks specs are not a spec that is fun to play in the arena and should not even be allowed to play arena games.

But aren’t rogue specs exactly that ?
They have cooldowns to make them immune to damage just like tank specs, have the ability to top themselves ( via stealth + infinite vial) and most of all - their job is to disrupt the enemy team by using CC.

I didn’t play much of Overwatch but I am pretty sure tanks are supposed to be that - get in their face, do a lot of cc and use defensives to survive.

So why are people hating on prot pala and blood dk who are doing just that but why are they ok with rogues doing it?

And if the answer is rogues are doing damage while tanking and CCing, then why not allow tank specs to do damage and add them to the list of viable specs?

Tank spec is the only fun I have in arena otherwise I would not bother playing ranked at all. Truth is that I am blood DK and I certainly see strategy for Prot pala but I can’t imagine other tanks, and I am not sure what would be their benefit to the team / what strat should they play to support their teams.

I like playing brewmaster and blood dk.

Cloak immune is gone next patch

How is the general arena strategy for Brewmaster? Would you say it better or worse than blood DK?

A quick look at EU solo shuffle ladder tells you that BDK has it at least a bit better than Brew does- I feel based on the games I’ve played that this is because BDK can give an extremely strong Anti-magic shield to a partner. You also deal actually quite good damage with death strike in a burst.

As Brewmaster your strategy is in general mitigating as much damage as possible your partner takes with dampen harm, stopping the enemy from getting to your partner, and using breath of fire with purifying brew to Lock down healer / the other DD down until your other dps can kill something.

But unlike BDK, Brew is very map dependent. Big maps are generally bad for you since you have to spend longer time travelling to cc the healer.

But tanks are just not fun to play against.
I understand tank role and I understand the rogue’s role too.
But the rogue class designer messed up, like they usually do.
They made rogue tank , CC AND do damage.
Honestly rogue class designer is so bad at their job that every time I get a bad game in the arena I don’t feel bad at the play I feel bad I somehow give money to this guy.

Well people hate on rogues actually because of all the things you mentioned.
I feel people hate on tanks more because they feel useless when played with and annoying when played against.
As a tank in pvp I mostly feel useless, except in some bg maps. In arena tanks are just out of place, and that’s all Blizz fault, because it wasn’t like that years ago.
Rn burst is the name of the game and tanks are bad at that, if we were to shift to a more steady dmg kind of game, tanks would become more and more “meta”.

Well … I guess we are all waiting on the next expansion and all of its changes.

In Battlegrounds where the Solo que seems to have headed tanks and rogues will be different since rogues are not good flag carriers but good flag defenders. And Solo que BGs hopefuly will be quicker since less healers will be required per DPS. So everyone will be happy.

But in arena … man I rather go play another game than to “play” against rogue. And if I wanna dedicate a night of gaming to WoW PvP just to see every game vs rogue and ultimately have to find another game to play … that feels even worse.