Only in mixed player level content such as timewalking and holiday bosses. Expansion bracket for War Within seems to be working fine.
As a moderately or high end geared tank in the 75-80 range I am regularly losing Headless Horseman aggro even to healers of high and low level on nearly all classes.
Threat in classic timewalking is all over the place. One moment I am hitting a boss with 300%+ and over the next few seconds before taunt becomes available again outlier specializations such as retribution or frost mage will swap aggro between them three times. It’s ridiculous and I’ve been asked often if I am pressing buttons.
Even standing in double death and decay after using blood boil twice I’m seeing a random group of trash mobs snap aggro to a random player, not a random mob but often everything around me at once, including the ones they didn’t land a critical strike on with their AOE attack. Again it’s always paladins and mages, occasionally even a shaman.
Players are unexpectedly dying and venting their frustrations because they lost experience boost buffs. I’m trying my best and even after joining in on the pack late they still do more threat in just two globals than I’ve managed to build over 6 seconds or longer.