Tank/Healer bonus rewards in Wrath classic - WTF


This is such a horrible idea…

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This is bad. :sweat_smile:

since there is no RDF their shiity dungeon finder will be filled with warlocks that selected tank/heal role (since u can do that from talent tree)

great success!!!

this is good, meritocracy wins !.


We don’t even know how the system in place to select who is the tank or healer works yet.

What, you don’t think a fully geared ret can comfortably take on both of those roles in a 5 man?


As I said in other threads, Wotlk will be the end of playing WoW.
It has been +15 years playing. Each expansion goes worse.
So… bye bye in two years.

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in your lil bubble of extremes, always 100% of the time, poor ole holy palas won’t get a look in. In reality : will work as intended. Cry more.

I have no idea what this means.

What I was saying was that I don’t trust Blizzard to code this to functionally work.

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I thought you implied ret and dk for that matter will circumvent the alg and get classed as tank/healer, stealing my healer rewards…actually Jey that might be possible, eek !

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Exactly what I’m saying :wink:

Do feel free to trust Blizzard on this, that’s up to you. I don’t.

Whats stopping you from having 5 tanks/heals selected in literally every group …

Oh your class cant join in as beggar role ? Tough luck …

From the beta (where this system was in, with some gold/resource rewards) your selected role had 0 to do with whether you got the rewards or not.

So it was based on what happened in the dungeon. Somehow. Who the ef knows.

Hmm interesting … I wonder how it will work … even without rogue selecting tank, theres still big overlap, especially as DK, since you can tank pretty much in any spec …

Indeed, functionality of current much beloved dungeon tool is somewhat lacking at times.

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As intended mind you, we’re still in WotLK, all 3 specs are genuinely viable as tank specs for DKs.

That didn’t change till Cataclysm.

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