Hello there! We are a husband and wife Tank Healer duo (BM Monk, Holy Priest) looking for a friendly and relaxed guild with mostly M+ and some semi-casual raiding focus (perhaps 2 nights a week? Mainly heroic with perhaps some mythic progress eventually)
I have WoW raiding experience spanning back to Wrath of the Lich King at various levels, and in all 3 roles, in every single expansion except for legion. KSM in BFA Season 3, pushing up to +21s towards the end, and was progressing mythic castle nathria before unsubbing this expansion.
And my wife is somewhat new to the game, starting in this expansion, but had 2k M+ rating on EU and NA last season, as well as cleared Sanctum of Domination.
Feel free to message here, in game, or on bnet at Boourns#2437