Tanking war within

For some odd reason, people in dungeons, hunters, mages, warlocks, think they be the tanks, pulling, then getting wiped, then blame the tank for not having agro…
Did this expansion, bring about 10 year old kids? Have all the adults gone?
Why are people not using their brains…???

It is extremely frustrating and annoying having to deal with these kids when your tanking…so for those that need to find their braincells, find them, for the love of this game, please find it, and start using it…

I’m sure they’ll all read this and change their ways.


Its normal and honestly i saw druid tanks, dh tank go pull whole rooms and get smashed rofl haha. Also prepare for heroics and m+ u will see many groups will disband.

Its possible to wipe in normal TWW dungeons?

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To be honest, all addons that i seen since WOTLK has a same picture. The only way to avoid mess in heroics is playing with people who you know.
Actually, m+ play not so different.

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