Tanks and DPS in Cata

I didnt play Cata before, so would love to ask.

Whats the point of playing DPS class? You wait in queue 30 mins, then then you are outdpsed by blood DK tank (insta queue) without any effort. No gems, terrible gear, still steamrolling my Rogue with 20k+ dps

Is there any reason to play DPS at all? Thinking about quiting, cos I am not going to make a tank to be “DPS”.

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I usually dont say this. But if you are thinking about quitting because you are losing on AoE dps to a tank on week 1. Then I agree, prob should.

I for my xp see Tanks losing heavily on ST, and losing 50/50 on AoE packs to other dps. Most of it comes down to who starts hitting “early”. This very much includes Rogues who do good aoe dps.

But from what I can see, and im not flaming you. Your Wotlk logs (Example) were terrible, even in Nax which was a joke, which means you dont really understand fully how to play a Rogue.

The short of it, Tanks do a lot of dmg on AoE, but you can win nps as dps, assuming you know how to play properly.


Originally, the vengeance mechanic was introduced to make it easier for tanks to hold aggro. But I agree, it looks like it got a bit out of hand when the tank is best dps. To calm the dps down who are afraid of losing their job, stacking tank classes does not make any sense because the vengeance buff only kicks in if you take damage so without it, dps are still doing the better damage. So in any normal setup, you will still need the usual amount of dps classes.


Turn off your details in dungeons and wait for the raids to release. You´ll probably be happier then.


Please quit

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Yeah, warcraftlogs, wow, well done. Logs are nothing, cos when you play around tactics and not zerg like everyone, you are going to be bad, but its ok. I still don’t understand what is terrible about it since my DPS was always good enough to top the meters in every pug or guild run.

I just wanna say, that it should not matter if you are TOP tier in your class, TANK should not outdps you just by smashing his head on the keyboard.

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I would not call purple logs bad much less terrible. That being said, if you only derive fun from looking at your details, maybe you are doing something wrong. Dmg matters literally zero in these heroic dungeons.

Raids will look different, just wait and see.


Play around tactics ? What tactics ? Its Wotlk, 99% of the bosses are just zerg as dps, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Well your average parse is 55%, which means 45% of the Rogue population is outdpsing you. Now if you are happy with that, then so am I. But then you cant really complain how tanks are broken when you are literally average at Rogue dps.

Again, its week 1. Dont worry about it, raids inc soon. No tank will ever be even close on the encounters.

Sure, if he in fact had “purple logs”. Him scoring 90% on a fight once means nothing. Your average is what matters, not your max parse on 1 raid. Again, its not a putdown, and in general we were not talking about raid logs. I was just telling him that its week 1, and him losing to tanks atm on aoe wont matter. If he is losing on ST, then thats a skill issue, or a massive gear issue.

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Wait until you see tanks in MOP if you’re mad at this. Kinda dumb to quit now though, dps specs all outscale vengeance in Cata and Rogues become gods later.

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Blood DPS and HPS is the funniest thing in cata so far!

You have “343 Ilvl” and can’t do more dps than a tank? that’s odd.

Plus, why are you using two “1.40 speed daggers”?

You can get a “346 Ilvl” - “1.80 speed dagger” in Tol barad for 85 commendations.

4-5 days of dailies only. You should’ve had it already.

Plus, instead of focusing on those rep enchants, you should’ve got your BIS “359 mastery/haste ring” from “Earthen Ring” already. And after that the Tol Barad trinket is also good for you, base mastery with on-use agility. Get rid of those green wrists too…

Logs are nothing but you made a whole post complaining because the tanks are doing more dps than you. I would like to see those fight logs to check if it’s only the tanks…

Cope. If you can’t do tactics and perform well on the meters at the same time this is not for you sir. The “zerg” people are the ones killing the boss for you. You are making it seem like you are the only one in the raid moving left and right and everyone else is just standing there doing nothing but smashing their keyboard while the boss health magically disappears. I’ve been paired in dungeons with rogues doing 20k+ dps so I am not understanding your complaints.

Rune management and proper spell use will separate a good bdk from a bad one, it’s not as “easy” to do that big damage as you think it is. Instead of lashing out on blood dks you should focus on what you are doing wrong. You either camp at the dummy and check your rotations or 1 week from now you’ll be disappointed again.

Not really on topic at all, but in Wrath 1.4 daggers were superior to 1.8. Our primary damage was instant poison, and with 1.4 daggers we got more poison procs. I don’t know if the proc chance has been normalized in Cata.

As for the topic itself: if Cata dungeons are like Wrath dungeons, then AoE is king. When Cataclysm originally launched you couldn’t really facetank everything, you had to use CC, meaning that AoE was more situational. I think you could make the argument that Cataclysm was not made with the zerg facetank aoe gameplay loop in mind, in fact, Cataclysm very much tried to revert this trend.

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In cata you should have a slow weapon for instant poison and a fast weapon for deadly poison. Check the legendary daggers.

Most dungeons in cata are filled with pack after pack, so ye, you’ll be doing aoe most of the run but the OP was complaining overall, he’s staying behind tanks in ST.

And yes, these nerfed hcs are really easy, felt that at 329 Ilvl and they are even easier at higher levels.

I actually enjoyed the gama, alpha, beta thing that they had on the pre-patch. They felt like mythic+ to me. You couldn’t just stand around in Utgard Keep if you had the ice debuff, Nexus trash creating duplicates, that was actually fun cuz everyone had to stand on their toes.

He do have a point with how crazy aoe blood dk specifically do.
If i go blood, Death Strikes critting 70k+ is very common.
Heart strikes critting 20k+ & hits 3 targets.

Death & Decay you can buff with 50% more dmg with glyph.

For me as Unholy I can do good aoe dps, but not as consistently high as a blood dk, they’re a different breed all together.
Not even Fire mages can do consistently the same aoe dmg. As they need a good combustion.

Blood dk can do 30k+ every single aoe pull no problem.

But disregarding this, because it’s dungeon, it’s week 1, it’s trash mobs.
On Raid bosses, they’ll be bottom dps every single time.

This is a joke right ? It’s stupidly easy.
Blood DK is by far the easiest tank to play in the game, with the highest damage & highest survival. You’re critting 70k+ with Death Strikes without full prebis. Which means you can get around 70-80k+ shield ontop of being healed. Thats from ONE click.

Hardest part as a Blood DK is keeping your diseases up, as you do not use or might not have Festering strike, but I can be wrong on that, i just did not care looking for it, i just slam Heart strike + death strike.

Since removal of defensive stat aswell, Mastery is just > any other stat in the game for them. Dodge/parry ? Who cares, I can get a shield that is as big as my health bar.

It is not at all uncommon for me to be top damage even on single target in pugs as tank, as long as the boss is hitting hard enough to give decent vengeance numbers. And on any bosses that comes with couple adds where can just pop berserk and mangle spam all of them, no dps can keep up.


I dono why DK, Warriors, Druids, Paladins are so scared to tank when they top dps as tank any way

Because people go full mental REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE if you need on dps gear as a tank.

No point running dungeon as tank if i can’t need on dps gear when it’s my main.

I mean logs evidently aren’t nothing considering how many players and guilds won’t invite if logs are bad.

Same with me on this character since I made it the week before cata so I have no logs

then just let them ree? or tell them at the very start and they can leave if they disagree

Why should you care, no need to cater to babies