Tanks need to be somewhat OP if you want people to play them again

It’s the most thankless role in the game along with healer. You had some goals in mind with all the changes you made going into TWW and in my opinion you failed to deliver on pretty much all of the points you made. All we got was more stress and misery when playing M+. Despite some small efforts being done in the dungeon pool for season 2, it doesn’t really fix the problem.
I’ll quote Yodatv, one of the highest rated tanks in the world, when he summorized how tanking feels this season: “You need to have a defensive CD rolling at all times, or you’ll randomly die.” Where is the upside here? Dying more often, causing a wipe and potentially a key depletion? On what planet is that an improvement over previous seasons?

Lead dev Ion Hazzikostas was interviewed recently, where he talks about how unpopular M+ have been this season. His intentions for improvements sound good on paper, but the fact that they did nothing major to address gameplay issues in M+ this entire season, gives me very little hope for the next one.

Hazzikostas said that making sure M+ is fun is a top priority for the development team. He was promoted late last year, and oversees both modern/retail WoW and World of Warcraft Classic.

“At the end of the day, it falls to us to create the conditions that provide everyone who wants to have a fun dungeon experience with the right level of challenge and a group to run with,” he said. “As we begin the [testing] cycle, the health of M+ is a major area of focus for our design teams, and for game leadership.”