Target cap revert when?

Dear Intern Responsible for Warrior Balances,

We are still waiting for the target cap revert of Odyn’s Fury and Thunderous Roar on the PTR. I know you’re probably underpaid and frustrated, but please don’t take it out on us and finally open your eyes… :slight_smile:


Dear Intern Responsible for Warrior Balances,

We are eagerly awaiting the target cap revert for Odyn’s Fury and Thunderous Roar on the PTR. I understand you might be feeling overwhelmed, and I appreciate your hard work. Thank you for your attention to this matter! :blush:

(please dont nerf further)


Dear Warriors of the EU forums,

It is with a heavy heart and thoughts that I have to bring this information to you all.

The purpose of these nerfs are to make it so that Fury Warrior is no longer the only premium pick for on-demand AoE burst. As we feel Fury warrior is doing this job too well, we decided to see you reigned back to a more seccond fiddle position. You are still very strong and a good option, you are just fine even with the nerfs and will be a decent pick to bring for this task area. It is just too oppressive when Slayer Fury can outburst our other more high-skill specs that require more thoughts and action structure to perform at the best level.

The goal is not to hurt Slayer, or rather Fury as a whole, in M+. This is sadly just an unfortunate impact of these much needed changes. The goal is not to see Fury become obsolete, and you have my and the whole teams word that Fury Warrior will still be fine and a viable pick for your M+ 10 groups.

We ask that you look at it from the other side. How would retribution feel if it didn’t bring better burst, more sustained damage, offhealing and more utility? Indeed, it is clear. Retribution would be in a very bad spot comparably.

Please understand that being fine, and you are fine, is fine. Being excellent at nothing is perfectly fine. Your damage is fine and it is all fine.

As such, with the goals above and the path we set for the spec being Fury, we hope you understand that AoE burst will be further nerfed in the future. Don’t worry, we will compensate with flat damage aura buffs next tier.

We wont delete your points or concern on the forums, as they wont be read either way. But don’t worry, we make sure to have the Warrior Discord and Reddit moderated to remove such misscontent and missinformation like; “warrior is not fine”. We do again stress, you are fine and everything is fine.

I thank you for time and understanding.

The Blizz Dev Warrior team


Dear Mr. Dev,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to address some ongoing concerns regarding our current state. It appears that there have been several issues that have impacted our community, and I believe it would be beneficial for us to revisit certain decisions made recently, particularly the nerf that was implemented.

Additionally, we have been anticipating the introduction of utility features for quite some time, and it would greatly enhance our productivity if we could prioritize this development!

I appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward for the changes to come!


we getting 2% nerf of slayer dmg and another aoe caps for arms its doomed…

why is warrior getting nerf
blizard do play your own game?
its outr.ageous what you are doing

At this point, should you care?

Only ones they would listen to want flat fury profile and think there is a “mathimatically true formula for what is fun”.

Any AoE burst enjoyers are just doomed to rot away.

But hey, mathematically speaking, we still fine. All is fine. We are fine.

The most ridiculous part of all this is that Frost DK, Ret Paladin, and Enhancement Shaman are getting buffed.


Enhance is in another league (I have one at ilvl610, it is godly), I dont understand why Warrior is getting dumped on so many times, I don’t think it has ever been nerfed this many times before, even taking nerfs when it is already sub par, it’s utterly bizarre what is going on.

They aren’t even just nerfing Fury, they have been dumping on Arms too, it has been hit hard if you look at WCL.


Blizzard: hrm… fury underpreforming in single target…nerf the aoe… but sir? NERF…THE… AOE

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They will probably revert that when they learn the name of the skill they are nerfing lol ( warbringer 2 times now lmao).
They are so out of touch with the game that they don’t even know the skills name. If they actually launch the game once they will understand whats happening in the game


Revert a cap change for a class that is already underperforming many others, where all metrics and stats show its not needed, when many others who don’t have a cap are meta and better than us have barely been touched at all?

Don’t be reasonable, that kind of attitude isn’t seen around these parts.

You know that Blizzard is trolling warriors in purpose especially when they publish the patch note with wrong ability name ‘ Warbringer’.

And don’t fix it, nor make humor out of it.

At this point it is closing in from ignorance to malice.


wait, you think they have a responsible for warrior balances?

Honey, they don’t even get the skill names right.

Interns? i thought they just rolled their faces over the keyboard and tuned that way.

wait is this real?

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