TBBC Era servers, Dual Spec and LFD

When we talk about LFD and Dual spec the wast majority say to those not wanting it: “It makes no difference to you, If you do not want it, then don’t use it. It’ll make the game better, more fun and such for a lot of people.”

When we talk about TBCC Era servers, the same majority says: “I don’t want it, it’s so good that Blizz made this decision.”

Why don’t you in the second case - TBCC Era servers - say: “I don’t want to use it, but it’s going to make the game better for some people, it makes no difference to me, sure, lets vote for this too?”

Why are we fighting against one another instead of against the common foe (you-know-who).

Disclamimer: I am going to use both LFD and Era serves (if implemented), but not Dual spec.


There is no majority that said not having a TBCC Era server is right. In fact, I believe there is a majority that actually does not want a TBCC Era server but will want a WOTLKC Era server and so they view not having it for TBC as problematic, because they fear if Blizzard forces WOTLK into TBC players, no matter how few they are, they will surely force Cataclysm into WOTLK players. Is a very bad precedent.


Yeah that is the main point. When Blizz will patch all TBC servers to Wotlk, why not doing it with all further extensions?


I have not read such a phrase or similar to it even once on this forum in regards to the TBC Era servers. Most people don’t care, yes. But I have not seen anyone actively speak against it.
I hope it gets introduced for those 10 people who will keep logging to it like Classic Era. But mostly, it is just completely irrelevant to me.

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That’s a sensibel thing to say. “I don’t care. But let other have it if they want”
But this here guy thinks it’s a good decision not to have Era Servers for TBCC just because in his opinion 300 or 500 are too few for a TBCC Era server. Disregard his gold seller arguments, please.

But that one guy with a rare opinion that hardly can be called a majority. He is not even a minority, usually, a minority opinion is shared but a small group of people, not just one. And his opinion is totally irrelevant, I am sure for this decision Blizzard has not considered how many people will be in favor because they know people like him will play WOTLK no matter if there are TBC Era servers or not, and money is the only thing Blizzard cares.

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Well yes. Nicolay just said that he had seen no one having this opinion. I found him one :wink: I also think what he says is totally irrelevant, and his opinion - that what he do not want to use, should not exist - never ceases to amaze me.

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Okay, there is no need to be snide. I looked at that thread and others and there indeed are people who for some obscure reason actually actively support no TBC Era. I stand corrected AND very confused.
Look, I meant it is irrelevant to me personally and my enjoyment of the game, it never even crossed my mind to stay on TBC (or Vanilla for that matter) era server. I fully support you having one, it’s just not a priority for me to make threads and tweets about it since my favourite part of WotLK seems to have been cut and that is 1000 times more pressing for me personally at this moment.

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I was not ironical or something, sorry if it looks like it - put it up to languages, I’m not English, and I suppose you not either? I honestly thought you had not met this crazy guy: “I don’t like it so nobody should have it”. I agree that people like this are … somewhat lacking in social graces.
And types like him is one of the reasons that I am giving my voice of support to those wanting TBCC Era servers and to those who want LFD (but let people learn where the entrances are first :wink: )
Personally I could not care less about any of those two things, but denying someone what they think fun - as long as it does not hurt me - is [a word I won’t use here for fear of being banned].

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