TBC and Wrath Era

These are the best expansions ever made in 20 years of existence of this game and they deserve their own server.
I loved the first time I stepped into Hellfire Peninsula to drive away burning legion.
I enjoyed my journey into coldest place of Azeroth to stop the Lich King.
But now everything is taken away. If this is “Classic” then I and my friends will find a better place to enjoy the real classic that is not twisted, forced and shoved into our face.
Give your loyal playerbase what they want Blizzard. Our patience is now at end!


Good luck on privates!!


Do not force our hand Blyzzard, you know you’re gonna lose much much more with Cata than gain. Listen to your community and go back to your roots!


^^^^^^^^^^^^^Thaat guy likes to talk with his own toons, i wonder how many chars that russian guy got.

They did polling on this and decided the interest wasn’t there. A representative poll is more accurate then your personal feelings.

You mean on a pserver that sells you items straight for cash?

You speak for yourself, nobody else.

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Why are you so mad about people asking for official expansion-era realms? Every thread lol.


Cz its same guy with bunch low lvl chars with russian naming. Same texts about “original trilogy/crapaclysm” over and over again.

And you are the same guy who is 24/7 mad about people asking for a separate server for their game. Get a life and touch some grass!


Atleast I don’t swap my posting char every few posts to create the appearance of a multitude people with same opinion as mine.

TBH, while I’m happy on Era I do miss TBC. I doubt we’ll get any Era server for any of the “Classic” expansions - though I’d love it if we did.


We’re going to get era after they realise what they have done to classic and they will need to shut down classic servers because they will become pure ghosttown.


Adding +1 to this. There’s a huge demand for these servers and Blizzard yet again play blind.

Listening to forum dwellers is the greatest downfall ever.
Why? Because the thousands or millions of gamers who enjoy the game, do not go to the forums. They play. Only the ones who criticise the game comes here, & theres max like 50 of you.

You guys do not represent even a footnote of the playerbase. Listening to the forums, is like listening to the 5 comments on a youtube video criticising you while theres thousands loving your content.

Stop with the entitlement, you’re nobodies.

Same applies to you. Then what you forgot here? People came one last time to try to save the game they want to play before it disappears. How dumb you gotta be to not understand that? Smh…

Ye I did at no point say.
“Listen to lockofmetal, hes the gospel!”

You came to ask Blizzard to keep Wrath servers. Sure, thats fine. But thats not what he did. More like demanding blizzard to do it & to listen to the community. The “community” has not in either direction asked to or not asked to.

It’s a small group of people on the forum that has asked for it. Polling it would probably be a better idea on multiple social medias. You won’t get all but you might get thousands instead of 50.

They did polling on this and decided the interest wasn’t there. A representative poll is more accurate then your personal feelings.

I do not believe on that polls at all, knowing it’s Blizzard it was shady and suspicious. They never even shown the numbers.

To repeat the same actions and expect different results is madness.

This is what Blizzard are doing


Madnes its what doin 1-2 wotlk fanboys, they spam on Eu/US forums necroing dead threads with same nonsense posts on dozen of low lvl twinks.
I would take it all seriously and not as stupid trolling, if there was at least a drop of sense in what they write, and if they were playing their “favorite addon”. Noone care what troll thinks about expansion that he didnt played.

So funny hearing this from a total hypocrite who does the exactly same. You should look at mirror and reread loudly what you said, it applies to you 100%.

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lmao answered to his own toon