TBC Faction balance

That is your weird take on this, arena is not kind of martial arts, combatants compete with everything they got, and once they’re proven to be worthy, they fight for the right to become gladiators, at 2400+ rating everyone is equally geared for the most part.

Every racial provide different pros and cons, its you to decide what advantage you wan’t to capitalize on. Diversity is what makes WoW special.

I would only consider to turn off legendary procs, keep stats.

Posting on my orc shaman so that “you are a gnome mage” won’t be an issue. I will play an orc shaman in TBC anyway.

EA and SF are good racials but for very limited purposes. The biggest issue here is that they are useful only in certain scenarios (EA being good against frost mages/druids and SF being good against hunters/rogues only) while horde has racials that are good in almost every situation. Give you an example of orcs: Stun resistance in S tier in most pvp encounters because most classes have some sort of stun and its a passive ability that can save you from a stun 100% of the time. It works against grenades, tidal charm etc. as well. On top of that, orc ALSO has blood fury, which is another S tier racial BOTH in pvp and pve. It synergizes well with any trinket/bloodlust or similar cd. On top of that, orc hunters&warlocks have a 5% pet damage increase also orc melees have axe expertise etc. This race is absolutely nuts, I managed to kill so many level 60s when I was level 50-52 because of that juicy stun resistance.

So, escape artist or stoneform is useful but its uses are a lot more limited.

But after all, I think the biggest issue is the imbalance of racials in PvE, not PvP in TBC. Horde has 2 races that has a distinct advantage for dps parses(troll and orc), and tauren which is good for tanks and BE paladin is absolutely nuts for silencing and pulling aoe packs as a tank. So all in all, horde will have a clear advantage in all PvE scenarios and most people will reroll horde because of that.

Those are faction balance changes on one of pservers (reworded):

  • Both Pala seals
  • Escape Artist is unaffected by talents like Subtlety.
  • Apprentice and Journeyman Riding skills free for Alliance
  • 25% extra reputation from kills and 10% extra reputation from other sources for Alliance toons.

And from what I see they only have “now” stats which are 40%A/60%H but I’ve seen “now” snapshots where A was around 60% (not sure if same realm or just early “everyone rolls Alliance”).

Other server - no faction balance changes but with “Faction Queue”: 45%A 55%H. :smiley:

Looking on some arena lists - mostly horde :wink: And I doubt you can fully balance factions in Classic TBC that already goes from Horde dominated Classic vanilla realms. Alliance will sit on few PvP realms they dominate plus PvE realms and that’s it. Over time PvP realms could just become monofaction realms - due to large populations, small expansion area and so on.

let them handle it . they have far more data then any of us have .so let the experts do what will be good

lol. 10chars

I played a Human (and a Gnome) Rogue in TBC. I wouldn’t trade Perception, for any racial.

Removing abilities only in one aspect of the game doesn’t sound appealing.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t that also the case for Arena. Isn’t your title based on your ranks compared to players of your own faction? What’s that the case also in TBC? I actually don’t remember.

There were battlegroups of realms, you compare with them all.

Not with the incoming boost offered.

A point I initially forgot about when hearing this but was told when asking on it.

The boost offers everyone the chance to effectively swap factions with barely any time lost.

If u beleive faction balance won’t go side ways upon this you are very wrong I’m afraid.

Kind of like every racial, then?

That’s exaggerated bull-waste and you know it.

No, it’s an extra 15% of the time, not 100. And lets count the classes that don’t have stuns, shall we? Mage, Warlock, Priest, Shaman and Hunter. That’s 5 classes with NO stun, half of the classes in the game. How about we include Druid too, since they have one stun and it’s only useful as an interupt? How about Warrior stuns? Aside from a 3 second stun on intercept (which is used primarily as a gap closer anyway) a warrior’s stuns are via mace spec and Skillherald; completely RNG.

Not usable in arena.

A smidgen of attack power in return for 50% less healing. Nice. I can’t wait to pop that and hear my healers rage at me.

Stoneform’s poison and bleed removal is limitted, but the 10% damage reduction isn’t. As for EA, how many classes have a slow? Want to count them?

I believe it’s all of them, except for Warlock and Paladin.

Yes, Horde racials are stronger in PVE, but not PVP. And no, the advantage isn’t enough for people that want to play Alliance to reroll Horde.

And it’s funny that you mentioned axe skill, as if maces and swords weren’t better in all scenarios anyway.

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No, it’s an extra 15% of the time, not 100. And lets count the classes that don’t have stuns, shall we? Mage, Warlock, Priest, Shaman and Hunter.

Impact, Shadowfury, Blackout and Improved Concussive Shot. You was correct about Shaman though.

it’s an extra 15%

15%+5% base stun resistance which stacks with any stun resistance talents.

How about we include Druid too, since they have one stun and it’s only useful as an interupt?

How about we don’t? It’s not only useful as an interupt at all. It’s a 4 second stun and it’s often used after feral charge to lock down the opponent for longer but has far more uses than being used just for interupts.

Aside from a 3 second stun on intercept (which is used primarily as a gap closer anyway) a warrior’s stuns are via mace spec and Skillherald; completely RNG.

What point are you trying to make?

An RNG stun is still a stun, Hardiness still provides a massive benefit against them.

Yes, Horde racials are stronger in PVE, but not PVP. And no, the advantage isn’t enough for people that want to play Alliance to reroll Horde.

They are also stronger in PvP.

15% Stun Resistance
AoE silence
Immunity to fear, charm and sleep
AoE 2s Stun

compared to:
Removing any slow/root every minute - 0.5s cast time
Immunity to poison, bleed and disease and 10% increased armor

Horde racials are just all around better for PvP than Alliance, Alliance racials give an advantage against certain classes (mainly rogue) whereas Horde racials are useful overall.

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I cba discussing with everyone here, just want to tell OP this:

Yes faction balance will be totally dog in TBC, maybe 10%-90% maybe even worse. And Blizzard will do absolutely nothing about that. The remaining alliance players will complain on forums and social media.
They will bring paid faction change and bang a few more bucks from your pain. That is the ugly truth, it’s a company with no ethics and only wants to grab that penny left in your pocket.

My shaman is level 58 atm. I suggest you to start an orc as well.

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disabling them in arena won’t change anything. vast majority of people play for pve and blizzard also only cares about pve.
in classic ally is by far the best faction yet the factions were balanced. in tbc it’s horde favoured and nothing is going to change that unless alliance is purposefully made better than horde.

btw it’s the pve racials that matter, not pvp. retail has proven that for years

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