TBC Hardcore

I daydream of a TBC Hardcore realm.
Too hard?
Man when we started on Hydraxian, we thought MC was impossible!
We’ll find ways, even if it’s by planning out strategies for hours until you know your choreography by heart!

I’m so excited and it’s not even planned :flushed:


Absolutely horrible idea

Imagine going to your first HC instance and getting one shot.

nono, imagine doing your first mag and a clicker fails lol

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Oooof I forgot about the clickers :skull:

I would love TBC era server + HC realm for it.


I would settle for a tbc and a wotlk server. HC on tbc would be insane, levelling is ok but doing heroics would be crazy. And I don’t even want to think about doing gruul or mag on HC :slight_smile:

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They dont understand brother… they dont understand.