TBC horde que

they are delusional fat trolls, dont pay attention to them, by paying attention you give these guys a chance to write some bs on forum that no one read except themselves

Nobody care - stay hordi and dont cry about your queues more

i dont care that you getting ganked every second on a meeting stone stay pve

Fine by me.

The best time I had in classic was in P1-P2, shortly after free-transferring to Heartstriker, when it was what modern gamers call a “Ghost-Server”. A small, tight knit community, a server population similar to my Vanilla Realm, an Economy that wasn’t overheated, and a Community where everybody knew everybody else.

So yeah, if a lot of people want to leave over this…bon voyage :smiley:

I am not saying horde always loses, just that ally winrates are not bad at all

Weird, i for sue have every bg atleast 50%+ winrate, guess we both influence our team alot
Also i wanna say this is so good compared to classic, it was so hard to win as ally in classic

Gues we are :smiley: nice job then dude! keep it up so bgs will be interesting :smiley:

i dont care if its fine for you, its not fine for ATVI shareholders, so they will do something about queues

I mean, if enough horde leave… the remaining population can actually play BGs without the 1 hour long queues.
It’s a win-win situation.

wow thats an angry Zug here, calm down and get back to queue

  1. Complain about problem
  2. Go exacerbate said problem
  3. Complain because problem is now worse

Horde hurt itself in its confusion

read upper.

nope, your queues will just get longer and mine will get shorter

I just discovered something you can do while in queue - Gather silithyst in silithus. 20 Honor each turn in, at least at lvl 67.

EDIT: It seems I can get about 200-300 honor per hour doing it. Probably more if you know the spawns.

That must be just a bug, i think horde can really exploit it if its intended

Judging by comments from 2007 it seems to be the same. I also think it would be much worse if it were even slightly contested. I was the only doing it now.

No, they won’t.
And how do you figure it’s not fine for shareholders?


Their market capitalisation is way higher than in Jun. 2020, and the last sizeable dip does not even coincide with the TBCC release.


It is a flawed logic. Anyone leaving the game in rage quit, not because he got lazy or bored is a bad PR for the Classic project. You could make some Horde want to join Alliance, not force them to or quit. Something like in my suggestion Mirror racials a solution to Horde BGs and Faction disbalance - #42 by Swes-draenor
After all they are all players TBC would get.

as you can see bro ,they did it :smiley:
am i right?

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