Hi everyone, for some reason It wouldnt let me post in tbc forums.
All my friends are rolling alliance for tbc, we are going to be pvp-ing.
I rolled a gnome rogue, will be playing rogue/resto druid.
I heard that gnome is a bad choice for the arenas because of racials.
Is this true?
Does it make such a big difference?
For example its impossible to get gladiator title as gnome rogue?
Gnome is a fine choice for melee in arena in TBC. In TBC Escape Artist is instant and has a 1 min cooldown, not shared with trinket.
Human draws are largely pve focused (Sword/Mace spec) or Perception (not as useful as EA)
Dwarf has bleed cure but that’s largely it.
Nelf has meld which is situationally pretty good.
But Gnome was the top warrior pick in TBC for good reason, their racial for melee classes is ridiculously good. I have no idea where you heard otherwise. Maybe their racials aren’t as good as say Orcs, but as far as alliance goes i’d say they’re the best pvp choice for any melee class in TBC.
Racials don’t prevent you from getting gladiator. Some are slightly better for certain classes than others but not by a large margin.
I believe Alliance had the better choice for defensive racials that were perfect for PvP. Alliance used to be saturated with Humans for the Every Man for Himself racial.
Horde has superior racials for both Pve and PvP in tbc only gnome for melee can be useful.
The whole reason they added Every Man for Himself (mid wrath) was because both pver’s and pvper’s were jumping to Horde.
Escape artist is a solid choice. Nelf is good to for stealth reset. Dwarf for poison clear to i guess
Dodging chaos bolts & polymorphs in arena is nice. Shadowmeld allows for bold moves, or to survive one positioning mistake.
It also allows healers to drink immediately: removes combat, removes any pet that may be following you to prevent just that.
Shadowmeld is my favourite healer racial for PvP in the Alliance.
Yes, but TBC shadowmeld required you to not be in combat, it worked completely different from now. You could drink while shadowmelded though, but didn’t have the feign death behavior it has now.
I see. Never played TBC, so I had no idea.
Well, in that case, delete Demon Hunters I guess.
Agree, it is a high skillcap racial which is extremely impactful in the right hands in the right situation, id argue EA is a much more intuitively useful racial for the average melee player in that you will probably get some use of it every match due to the sheer volume of snares and roots running around in arena. Either would work tbh. Pref Gnome for melee and nelf for ranged/healer.

Every Man for Himself
It doesn’t exist in TBC afaik. I think it came with WotLK.
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