Telegram group chat / گروه تلگرام

Loudstep is your alt and you were trolling the thread there is your proof. No idea what you get out of denying the ring and also lying about yourself and threating people and trolling , you must be bored and want to upset others and threads.

The vulp has been threating people all day , also derailing threads and trolling. Yet somehow others are the bad people.

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Your inability to keep up with current events or more likely your choice to ignore same events is neither my problem nor my job to tutor you on them.

You may now continue to gather “likes” on your comments.

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YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp were also used for less than savoury purposes.
You are probably using a phone made in a Chinese sweatshop or use a device made in a such place by forced child labour.
Get off your high horse.

Let’s be real it’s racism and xenophobia.

I’m sure you owned The Iranian and Russian regimes by reporting OP who just wants to play wow with other players who speak Farsi using the platform that is easiest to log into in their country.

It is, and it did not deserve to get flagged. However i think no one here is surprised it did either, threads like these are the golden opportunity for closet racists to do their thing and feel good about their meaningless agenda.

It would have gotten deleted anyway sooner or later. Blizzard stated in the please read thread that they do not tolerate stuff that isn’t written in English and deem it a breach of the code of conduct by default.

Hahahahaha Alythena, that’s the perfect summary for any Monty Python fans!

“I came in here for an argument!”
“No you didn’t!”
“Yes I did!”
“No you didn’t!”
“That’s not an argument!”
“Yes it is!”
“It’s just contradiction!”
“No it’s not!”

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Probably, i guess that could be considered as rule breaking. Lets be real though, that not why it was flagged.