Tell us something good about today

I petted a cat druid. OwO

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i made breakfest for my kids and got a hug … :smiley:


I slept very well.

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Woke up and the tattoo I dreamt I got is gone. It was a cool tattoo and all, but I really don’t want one.

Also about 90% of my auctions in WoW has sold. Much gold, yay! :moneybag:

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they nerfed my level 58 surv hunter twink in 24 hrs intresting they do lisen :rofl:

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Its Saturday, so its fish and chips day :yum:

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broke my record of 75 one finger pushups as part of my morning workout routine… :slight_smile:


no joke i can do 100 :stuck_out_tongue:
i dont even workout :rofl:

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made cinnamon rolls this morning always a nice thing


That made me hungry!


today it is a exaiting day today i meet a emplyee from Amazon what works on New world as a weapon disigner good time to ask about when we getting daggers to New world :smiley:

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Today I ate a good dinner. Im warm. Im safe. Im with the person i love the most. I can afford my rent and food.

Might be simple things but good to appriciate them. Far from everyone has "simple " things


I finally received a delivery I’ve been waiting for. Yay!

And in WoW I figured out a solution to an annoyance that has bothered me for some time.

My toothache went away and hopefully it remains that way.


I found this angel while surfing on the internet in search of a wallpaper. Definitely a lucky find! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


that is a blood elf priest with glyph of angels :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, that’s why I grabbed it asap :smile: it’s very similar to one of my mog sets.

u trying to say ur that angel ? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can be her, more or less :smile:

I just use the “Full” hairstyle with the golden tone. Then, transmog Mooncloth Robe and the Kyrian wings (the ones with a silvery tone). I could also add in the, uh, LFR Antorus set gloves (they are white unlike the rest of the set which is purple, like the crown I’m using currently) and a matching snow white tone, small bracers as extras.

Voila, you have an elf angel healer! :innocent:

The exact wings this girl has aren’t unfortunately available :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Now that I mentioned it… think this is what I’ll mog next.

had a great breakfast and did some sprint training … managed 100-meter sprint in 8.58 seconds… new record !! :slight_smile:

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