Tell us something good about today

Yeah but I’ll be playing LEGO Star wars and my mission is to finally being able to instead of firing proton torpedoes down an thermal exhaust port but to fire it into Threepio and Artoo and cause a chain reaction there…


I got a personal invite from Elon Musk to go to mars. sadly I can’t go as I’m taking my bosses grandmother to center parcs that week but he is paying well for it so I’m not really losing out.

That’s very nice of you. Not too many people takes time to help the elderly.


today i was sent to [reducted] to bring a little comedy back into the lives of the soldiers going through hell… but after i set up shop and started doing my thing the brass was not happy with my irreverent takes on what was going on…

so while they tried to censor me… i decided to pursue a relationship with a girl but she showed me the horrors of war first hand… its hard to explain if you wernt there man … if you ask me personally… but ive become a much more humble person because of this…

still a good day…


I failed in my attempts to destroy Yavin 4 but I did find a fiver in my jeans pocket before I put them in the washing machine!


That reminds me of the time I found a bag with 100k in it and handed it in to the police and got a Lamborghini as a reward. That was a nice day.

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That is definitely achievement worthy!

Side note: Made more cookies :eyes:


I’m going to press X to doubt.

I LOVE when they happens…
I am a bit clumsy and I keep my cash money in a jar, so when I need to refill my purse I’m a bit kak handed and often one flies out and gets trapped somewhere in the art studio…

But it’s always nice when going through stuff and all of a sudden you find money!!
I mean it’s not free, but it feels free… (grins)


It’s a present from self to self… feels especially nice if you find these during a cleaning before Xmas, now isn’t it?


This year I am making a lot of presents, as people have asked for home made gifts, thus I am painting a lot of fairy creatures in Brain Froud/Labyrinth/Dark Crystal stylee…

But it’s always nice to find something, sometimes I root down the back of my sofa for this exact reason!!!


cant beat a full day of kitten hugs


saw my reflection in the mirror … :slight_smile:


Today it stopped raining for a few hours and the sun came out…

I nearly thought I was back in Florida. And today I also hope to have my scheduled holidays cancelled and merge them into two weeks halfway through March so I can indeed go to Florida and see my grandkids and catch up with my old friends.

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Got my Dracthyr diving quest done. 7hrs 45mins /played but it’s done now. Thankfully part 3 of it was easy.


And you’ll never have to do it again… until you get to Dragon Isles and there’s the equally annoying and mandatory dragonriding tutorial quest there.

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what if I do Dragon Isles on my Dracthyr so I don’t have to do that?

meh. another 7 hours and 45 mins on Gram won’t be the end of hte world…

Hmm. You might be right, the dracthyr probably skips that part of the quests, as the only different mechanic is the additional stamina blobs dragonriding has. But I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t the case, Blizzard does love throwing in bad decisions here and there.

Pssst, over here!
Keep your voice down!
Wanna buy some bottled sunlight, scottish lady?