Just trying to lighten up the forums.
I’m interested to hear what WoW related jokes people have heard over the years or made up themselves. I’ll start.
Why can’t you disarm a druid?
Because they have the right to “bear” arms.
Just trying to lighten up the forums.
I’m interested to hear what WoW related jokes people have heard over the years or made up themselves. I’ll start.
Why can’t you disarm a druid?
Because they have the right to “bear” arms.
How many gnomes does it take to paint a wall?
About 20 but you need to grind them up really fine.
I still have my poker face, try harder guys, these were not funny at all.
My biggest WoW joke.
Battle for Azeroth.
what do you call a tauren with no legs?
ground beef
Why did Ragnaros buy an alarm clock? - Because Executus kept getting him up “TOO SOON!!!”
Azeroth – the only place where “Rage issues” means you’re not angry enough.
What do you call three restoration druids? - A treesome.
A restoration druid and a holy paladin are fighting. Who wins? - The weekly maintenance.
Why do restoration druids hate maths ? - They do not have square roots.
What do you call a restoration druid in melee range ? - A combat log.
(quoted my own posts from previous joke thread)
I have a very bad one… A terrible one I saw somewhere on the internet and now stuck with me forever.
You have been warned.
How many rogues does it take to kill a paladin?
Two. One to start the fight, the other to wait at the inn.
what do you call a tauren with a twitch?
beef jerky
I quit WoW.
Ion has an exciting new direction for the game that will improve things for everyone!
Your mother is so fat, when a rogue shadowsteps her they get a loading screen.
Battle for Azeroth is the best expansion ever that brought complexity into the game!
There was the Shaman that went to work in a zoo, he was master of the elephants.
And the Tauren Hunter that had 2 guns, one was his main gun and then he had his udder gun.
What do you call a bathtub full of druids?
A HoT tub
How many developers does it take to fix a bug?
None. It’s working as intended.
why gnome can’t be paladin?
because they can’t reach the light!
The Forsaken