Tell Your Story With Character Customization

" laughs in nightborne " :grimacing:

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Yes, super great job Blizzard. -.-

Make your character feel UNIQUE with these FIVE faces. What a joke.

No beards for trolls or goblins. No nothing.

I am unsubscribing, and seeing if the expansion after Shadowlands bring something more interesting…

To the people who’re happy - Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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Well that took a bleak turn…

Be a bit tricky as well, unless your character is a 1 year old baby…

My new stuff is just never updating, I am resigned to this fact.

But after having gone rogue for a while doing Farstrider stuff in far flung jungles and places like one of those CIA rogue agents in the 70’s his normally clean shaven nature now has grown a beard and Moustache. Despite resisting growing one for more than 1,300 years, he now finds it adds a certain level of gravitas to him, and makes him look a bit more serious to the local mercenary bands and insurgents he hires.

Tessarin just went for a shorter haircut, but she was always a Tomboy type anyway…

Same with Kul Tiran :rofl:

kultiran atleast look like their NPCs, playable nightborne are just an abomination

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I like how they look, but a few new options wouldnt hurt. Void elves got other skin tones and new eyes.

i’ll just tell my story with the shop transmog. clowns.

I approached mine to match up with the mog. The whole idea is inspired heavily by the Deathwing Mount.

I also use said mount to fit with all of this when flying around.

So far i’ve gotten told i look stunning, did a superb job on the mog etc. I love such compliments! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiley:

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My story is quite simple. Every time I try to grow a long beard on my nelf, a bunch of leaves appear on it.

My story is the simplest: LFD did not get any new customization options, even though they lack them badly.

My story is short and sweet. My coat is now as white as the paper sheet. :blue_heart:

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I give you another origin story.

The Asian lookin human:
-Hi my name is Po, my father was a pandaren and my mother was in love with furry po…

My eyes are purple…

So… the void I guess? :man_shrugging:

Perhaps a few extra class-specific options.

E.g. Warlocks having fel-glowing eyes, or other demon related alterations (hopefully not too much like a DH).
DKs, Mages and Priests eye colors being tied to the current spec magic school.
Specific tattoos and jewels for different clans of rogues, warriors and hunters, tied to groups like Ravenholdt, the Syndicate, the Sentinels, Frostwolves etc.


Void Elves definitely need glowing Void tattoo options. It makes sense with our skimpy Heritage Armor.


This is a hoax, in the beta shadowland its only a few items from the okd wow u can transmog . I lost my sholders,bow , belt aso . I used long time to make my look perfekt ,now I have to look the way the stupid new items look .I realy want my old toon back ,and not be the way wow want me to look

I love the new customization options. I am a sucker for dark skin tones, so a lot of my humans and elves have new backgrounds. But I am so salty I cannot create a halfelf on Alliance. The High/Voidelves have the same model as the Bloodelves, right? Why not give them the same ear options? I hope that Blizz actually adds to the allied races’ options, since they look so barren now compared to others.

Thank you for this, Orcs look pretty damn cool with the new customization options and that makes me really happy. Hope we’ll get some more tattoos and warpaints in the future, but we can make some really cool looking Orcs now. :+1:

I’m also a big fan of the new female Troll and Night Elf hair options. There are a couple of really cool looking ones that really give new life to my characters as I had imagined them back in the day when I made them.

I love that we have so many more options now!

Just a weird observation: can we have 1 or 2 smiling faces? Litterally almost ALL the faces look neutral at best, most are scowling or looking dire. I realize it’s all very edgy and grim out there but some of us happily heal … and destroy stuff :slight_smile:

The Shen’dralar are Highbourne and very much a part of Darnassian life.

Blizz wrote Tyrande so yes it is Blizz’s fault.