Temp wrap or time anomally?

Hi all

As in topic, which one is better y think in arena/bg ( generally speaking pvp ) ?

I don’t exactly understand effect of temp wrap, what does it do / when? can i use it on arena ( on bg it does work, give boost to me and my team ) ? - what’s the deal?

I like time anomaly being fair, sometimes its good boost, although its not exactly pvp as its random boost :stuck_out_tongue:

If you could please explain in easy for a beginner language pls :slight_smile:

Cheers in advance for all answers

Time Warp grans you 30% haste for 40 seconds, haste decreases the time it takes to cast spells and increases how many ticks - instances of damage, a DoT (damage over time) effect deals over its duration.

Temporal Warp allows you to use Time Warp while you already have the debuff you get from using Time Warp. Allowing you to use it once every 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes or allowing you an extra use of it if someone else uses a similar spell.

Time Anomaly will randomly give you a charge of your specs charge/proc ability - Clearcasting/Fire Blast/Fingers of Frost or 6 seconds of Time Warp or 5-8 seconds of your specs damage cooldown - Combustion/Arcane Surge/Icy Veins.

Time Warp and effects like it are disabled in arena PvP but some talents and PvP talents allow for limited use of the effects like Mages Time Anomaly and Shamans Shamanism. So for arenas at least you will want to take Time Anomaly as Temporal Warp will have zero effect.

In BGs it’s really personal choice, do you want an extra Time Warp every 5 minutes or do you randomly want to gain an ability charge/cooldown buff/Time Warp for a few seconds.

Cheers dude, that was the answer which i was looking for :smiley:

last question : for mythic + y think which one of them would be better?

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I think for PvE, it depends on how your group runs. If you only do Heroism/Time Warp just before the boss dies, then taking Temporal Warp means you can’t benefit from the talent at all as using it would also pop Hero for everyone in your group. If your group runs with Heroism always on CD, you get the benefit of an “on demand” cooldown. If you need on demand burst and you are not the one popping Time Warp for your group, I guess Temporal Warp might be good? (I use Anomaly.)

Double Time Warp is better if you can make use of it. Being unable to use it because you group wants you to hold it for the next boss makes it suboptimal. Example in Temple of the Jade Serpent you’ll be able to double use on first boss, use for yourself on second boss and then have it available on 3rd boss but you’re not able to use it at all because you’d put your group on the debuff and can’t use it on 4th boss, so essentially you lose 1 Bloodlust. With Time Anomaly you’d get constant benefit whereas with Temporal Warp you have to sit on it for like 10 minutes.

With the CD reduce talent (Shifting Power) you can even BL yourself twice between 2 group BLs, but won’t have BL ready off CD at the 10 minute mark when your group’s buff falls off. Depending on the dungeon that might be OK (e.g. aforementioned Temple, if you can pop the BL before your debuff runs out) but in other instances you’d run into trouble if you reach the point where your group wants BL but you have it on CD.

With a second BL user in the group (well unless its a mage with the same talent) you can ask them to pop BL for the group and use the extra BL exclusively for yourself - that would be optimal. Basically you want to get a feeling for the BL timings in the dungeon (most DF dungeons are played so you can basically group BL on CD) and decide on a per dungeon/group basis which talent is suited better.

Double BL is great on tyran weeks. Even if anomoly could mean better overall (I dont think it does), double BL makes the key a bit easier for everyone because you do so much boss damage.

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