Old DD thread

Ohhh, Can’t wait!

Second* officially recognized Guild.
We apparently became time travelers in WoD:

…I’ll buy your merch nonetheless…

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Hatless Kaitylinn! Stolen memories! A blast through the past!

As the Dust Devils investigate the strange new behaviour of their suddenly and alarmingly unflamboyant employer -for is a Kaitlyinn who doesn’t immediately force herself to the centre stage of every situation she’s in, welcome or otherwise, really Kaitylinn at all?! - they soon discover that far from turning over a new leaf to live as a humble wandering Light preist, McKenzie has in fact, like so many others all across Azeroth, had all her memories plucked right out of her body-!

Stolen; so they could be extracted, processed, bottled and sold to the highest bidder; to frustrated office workers and bored housewives, who yearn for a life of adventure, but who are far too overworked (or lazy) to ever go seek one themselves! After all, why put yourself through the effort of actually having travelled the world, when you could simply buy and absorb a memory of having done so?!

Behind it all, the evil megacorporation “Azero-Dex Incorporated”; who stood to gain a FORTUNE in memory sales- until their dastardly plan was defeated, following a thrilling leap into the last of Kaitylinn’s memories, to kick the corporation out before they could strip mine the final pieces, culminating in a dramatic battle at the memory storage & processing plant itself!

With the harvested memories recovered; Kaitylinn and all the corporation’s other victims restored to normal, Azero-Dex skulks back into the shadows once more to plot its next great sales pitch; but the peace can’t last, for no sooner is one supervilalin temporarily knocked out of the picture, than the next forces their way into the frame-!

Speaking of which; as the canvas of Azeroth expands to include the legendary Dragon Isles, so the eyes of evil turn northwards to observe it - and already, in the dark corners of the world, they draw their plans to conquer all they survey…

Another event chain down; more soon to come!

Soon we’ll start preparing for the Dragon Isles -but I guarantee the badguys will get there first - but at least that’ll keep us busy, if nothing else, which can only be a good thing, right?!


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Another good ol’ event!
First we go in a fight with a tornado who took 3 of us, but we defeated it. we then found ourselves in a village where one of our friends orch started flying in an space withouth water!

Then we saw a bunch of loyalists in the distance, but they got burnt down to a crisp by the dracthyr! :fire:

Them loyalists tryed to kill us, with heavy weapons, but thanks to an Undead, a mini mana bomb was created and heavy machine guns (+ soldiers) were turn to ashes!

and then, after all that, we were able to defeat them and extract some info from a one of the troops, before ending it’s existance.

and then i went away cuz i was tired…
Good event!
10/10 for what i’ve played!
Join kaitylinn more!
(also, please make these events on Saturnday Kaity! They are much more playable on that day! <3)



As the Dragon Isles arise from the shadows; so the B-List badguys of Azeroth seize upon the opportunity to strike!

Roving spotlights sweep across the glittering ranks of Loyalist Doomtroopers; marching in perfect unison towards the airships that shall carry them forth to unknown shores, all to sieze the awesome power of the Dragonflights for the glory of the inevitable Forsaken Empire!

Profit margins are estimated and mining rights confirmed, as the besuited shareholders of Azero-Dex Incorporated eagerly prepare to bring their products to a whole new continent of easily impressionable consumers!

Wine glasses clink, and mouths water, as the cannibal criminals of the Velvet Glove plot to enrich their endless courses of fine dining with the taste of dragon flesh!

A mass of guns are hoisted into the air in salute to a burning symbol of the Holy Light; for what have these mysterious isles to offer but a flood of fresh sinners to befoul the Light’s good works, and how are the Children of the End to best them if not through holy fire and hot lead?!

On and on it goes; Serenity Falls poke and pry over the medical miracles that might be achieved through the application of a few dragon corpses, while the chittering Swarm seek to spread and multiply across every last inch of the planet. …and still fouler and even more obscure villains plot and scheme, for ends yet unknown…

As all eyes turn to the Dragon Isles, it seems that upon those lost lands shall the fate of Azeroth be decided - for good or ill! Because while the masses are focused on foiling the plot of this expansion’s big bad, so nobody’s paying attention to the villains they’ve never heard of…

Except of course for the Dust Devils that is!

With Dragonflight comes not only a whole host of new regions in BFA to use for events (I can fly my npcs around Kul Tiran country now!), but the Dragon Isles themselves promise all kinds of adventure!

Hope to see you there gamers, with luck we might just be saving the world from the same old badguys in whole new ways for many years to come!

Have fun in the new expansion y’all!


(PS: Thank you for the screenshots Robo, they’re ace! <3 I’m honoured someone thinks my adventures are good enough to commit to camera, I was worried most of them were far better forgot!)


I got all the merch. Now what?

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I’ve been a Dust Devil™ for some time now, and I’m having a blast. The events are a great laugh and the people in this guild are the best to hang around with. It’s a fabulous group with room for all sorts of characters.

If you’re wanting some great roleplay AND the power of friendship to boot - don’t be shy, give it a go! :+1:



Okay I left updating the forum thread until way past my bedtime; and since my brain has all but melted out of my ears at this point I don’t quite have the IQ left to type out a comprehensive story of everything the Dust Devils have been up to in recent weeks, so to summarise!:

It’s been the same thing we do every night, Argent Dawn; try to stop evil forsaken women from taking over the world!

A kind of reverse Pinky & the Brain situation really; except there’s not a genius among us.

But I’ll tell you what we do have; adventure! Including the super spectacular Christmas special coming this Sunday; yet another dead lady with a plot for world domination, this time with a festive twist!

Will the Dust Devils be able to stop her her plans from being unfurled; or by the dawning of the new year’s sun, will she have taken over the world?!

There’s only one way to find out; see you in game, forum goers !

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Jokes aside.
Can’t wait for the event!

Bless you friend!

Though I have just realised this Sunday is Christmas so - I mean even I’m not dedicated enough to the cause to be roleplaying on Christmas Day itself!

In which case uh, check this space for an update on the actual date of our Christmas special!

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yeah, that’s gonna be a lil’ hard for lotta people to come, since they (including me) will be spending time with they’r family.

Trapped inside an adventure they’ve already been on?!

As the Dust Devils plummet from yet another of Kaitylinn’s roller coaster portal rides, they find themselves amongst the burning ruins of a distant Horde outpost devastated by a villainous super weapon - an all too common occurrence for a Dust Devils adventure; yet things quickly quickly turn strange(r), when some among them immediately recognise the town as one they’ve saved before, and the superweapon as one among the dozens they’ve already destroyed…

With everything around the Devils replaying exactly how they remember it; questions begin to fly - is this some kind of memory? A time loop? A collective hallucination? Only after panicked exploration do our heroes slam against the invisible barrier keeping them contained within the adventure; a barrier that circles wide around and high above them, in a huge, shimmering dome…one almost akin to…

A snowglobe.

Catching a glimpse of the monstrous visage sneering down from the sky, our heroes’ worst suspicions are confirmed - then, a massive hand closes around the bubble, and the world begins to shake…

Will the Devils ever be able to escape their festive prison?! Will they work out who has trapped them here, how, and why?! Or will they be cursed to repeat the same adventure forever, for the amusement of this new unknown adversary, before being stuffed into a box ready for display next Winter’s Veil?!

There’s only one way to find out; see you in the Dust Devils Christmas special, continuing tonight-!

Satisfied, she placed the snowglobe back upon the shelf; taking a step back to admire her collection.

The wooden structure circled around the room, holding a mass of ornate glass domes, each no larger than a handful, depicting an endless variety of elaborately decorated little scenes, of tiny people dashing to and fro about their business.

With a warm chuckle, she moved now to the light switch at the exit of the room; finger placed beneath the switch.

“A good night to all…”

Her finger twitched; plunging the room into darkness.

“And to all, a good night…”

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Out of the frying pan; into the fire?!

Having finally escaped the glassy confines of their time looped snowglobe prison, the Dust Devils erupt into the living room of a rapidly collapsing wooden long house; one parked precariously on the sheer cliff face edge of a quiet, snowy village - three days before they were even trapped in the first place?!

Alarmed, exploration soon reveals this arctic village to be literally frozen in time; trapping the Devils in the past, and doing everything in its power to keep them there! Only after uncovering the sole weakness of this deadly illusion do the Devils manage to make a hasty exodus; not without confrontation against the sinister “Ghost of Winter’s Veil past”, who makes it known she only needs to keep them confined just long enough for the masters’ plan to succeed…

Having fought tooth and nail, our heroes crash into the same village, now in the present - to be greeted with a long awaited radio call from Kaitylinn herself! And then, it all goes from bad, to worse…

For as McKenzie’s plea for help soon degenerates into an agonising fit of forced, uncontrollable laughter, the voice of the ghost speaks one last time…

“I told you; I only needed to keep you confined just long enough for the masters’ plan to succeed…”

Who are the masters?!

What is their diabolical plan?!

And will the Devils make it back to Kaitylinn in time to save the day-?!

All this and more to come; for when we return from our New Year’s break, we’ll finally hit the conclusion of our four part festive spectacular - and should we fail, evil could conquer Azeroth before 2023 has even seen out its first month!

On brighter news, the guild has grown at an astonishing rate lately; I can’t thank everyone who’s joined us enough, I was on the verge of throwing in the towel a few months ago, but these fresh new faces and the lovely praise they give me has absolutely kept me in the game, so bless you all! <3

And we’re still recruiting for the new year; but either way, I’ve no plans on going anywhere (at least, not anymore!), so here’s to another 365 days of absolute adventure-!

Until then gamers, I hope you all enjoy your ongoing holidays, and have a very happy New Year; peace!

Content, she turned the little toy over in her gloved hands; giving it a final little squeeze, before placing it back onto the conveyor.

Stepping back, dusting down her stained apron, the dainty little tune couldn’t help but escape her lips; that familiar ditty she often sung while working, but which seemed especially fitting for the festive season

“Joy to the world…”

It went; her eyes widening behind thick, tinted lenses as the full majesty of her endeavour opened out before her- hundreds, thousands of identical dolls, moving along the conveyor belts; to be stamped and sealed; then dropped into sturdy wooden crates to be shipped off to all corners of Azeroth.

“Your lord has come…”

With a frown, Eustace stepped back from the console; its screens crackling with static, as the purple airship tore deeper into the night, Orgrimmar vanishing over the distant rear horizon.

After what seemed like an eternity, the screens finally erupted; the hissing white static replaced with grainy footage of a smiling, unfamiliar woman; drenched in elaborate purple uniform, grin artificially stretched out by two hooks affixed to the corners of her mouth.

“Hello, Dust Devils…”

She chuckled, her smile widening to bursting point, and beyond.

“If you’re seeing this, it means you’ve fallen for our wild goose chase; and are now safely aboard our airship, heading off to pastures new. Worry not; we’ll take good care of all the new friends we’ve made here in Orgrimmar; though it was so very clever of you to work out the mystery so quickly-!”

Another hearty laugh escaped her stretched lips; she seemed almost impressed.

“But I’d have expected nothing less from Azertoh’s PREMIER caped crusaders-! Indeed, with such ZEAL did you pursue the puzzle, that you missed only the teeniest, tiniest detail!”

Taking a sharp breath; the grinning woman winced, best as she could with an expression fixed forever into a smile.

“Aaaah, though who am I to spoil the story for you; no no, I think my new BEST friend, would be far, FAR better placed to do that! Isn’t that right, Kaitylinn?”

Her already gleaming purple eyes erupted with sadistic glee; as the camera slowly turned, revealing, inch by inch, a little more of Kaitylinn T McKenzie; now dressed all in purple, with eyes shining bright, and smile a little too wide…

“I…waited…for you to come, fellas…”

The cowgirl chuckled; shaking her head, blue smoke slowly rising from the overused portal gun clutched between her fingers…

“I…w-was lookin forwards t…ter…the adventure…”

“Oooo; but they missed you, didn’t they Kaitylinn?”

The first woman interrupted - the camera snapping back to her…

“They ran STRAIGHT past you, in pursuit of some…poisoned meat. Whahahaat an insult…”

She attempted something of a frown; though naturally couldn’t help but remain overjoyed.

“Left you all alone, with only that portal gun for company…and of course; well, Kaitylinn, you did what came naturally to pass the time, didn’t you? Sought out new adventures, in far flung locations…”

Slowly retreating; the camera pans out, revealing the pair to be stood atop a mountain in Orgrimmar. A number of crackling, spiralling portals open like sores in the rocks behind them.

“And seek them she did…all…over…the city…”

The camera turns; giving an overshot of the Horde capital - a mass of portals torn open all throughout, illuminating the night like spiralling blue candles.

“Very dangerous it is, to have so many raw, uncontrolled portals open at once…why, if left too long, the contrasting tug of war between them could…”

The woman thrusts her face before the camera ; her smug visage utterly dominating the screen.

“Tear this city to pieces…”

With a tut; she slowly recoiled.

“Enjoy your airship ride, Dust Devils. But I wouldn’t bother returning to Orgrimmar…after all, there’ll be very little left to come back to…”

Resting finally on Kaitylinn; her hand raised out, pointing accusingly at the unseen Devils, the cowgirl speaks

“I…waited…for you…”

Before, with a click, the feed cuts off, and all fades to black; leaving the Dust Devils alone on the Joy Divison airship, drifting aimlessly off, into the night…



There’s only one way to find out folks, in the FINAL part of our (now somewhat past the prime date!) Christmas Special, coming to an RP realm like you, SOON…

Durotar Disaster: Dust Devils Once Again Jump To Action!

The Dust Devils, known heroes of Azeroth, were once again seen in Orgrimmar earlier this week after mass hysteria broke out amongst its citizens.

The condition, characterized by the victim’s uncontrollable laughter and aggression, has spread throughout the city like wildfire. While there is little evidence pointing to the source of this outbreak, there has been rumours surrounding the Forsaken once again.

“This is like nothing I have ever seen before,” spoke Nora Vyrus, a respected apothecary of the Forsaken, “Whatever this is, I am 100% certain this is nothing to do with us.”

Others still suspect Smokeywood Pastures, famous supplier of Winter Veil treats, though no representative was available for comment.

However the Dust Devils cared not for the reason. Even with the shortage of their brave leader, Kaitylinn T McKenzie, they were amongst the first to spring into action.

Niao looked up from the page, thoughtfully twirling his quill in his fingers. He had, of course, seen Kaitylinn that day. Or, no…

His eyes strayed over to the wall. And fixed straight on a charcoal drawing of Kaitylinn, that was pinned over faded wallpaper where ancient knowledge once hung. No, it wasn’t Kaitylinn. Why would Kaitylinn be standing on top of a cliff, turning Orgrimmar into Alterac swiss with that incredible portal gun of hers?

She was obviously an imposter. Though just in case he directed any suspicions, he decided to leave it out anyway. He dipped his quill into the ink pot and continued to write.

While vicious rumours of Eustace McDead wishing to genocide the city were whispered amongst the survivors, their actions of course proved the opposite-

He stopped again, and sighed. What exactly had they done, though? He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly before pushing them back up his snout. He had rarely had this problem. Usually he was very capable of recording their heroics just as they should be remembered.

The pandaren reaches for a forgotten cup of black tea and sips at his lukewarm beverage as he looks around his study. Once a library of ancient history, like any Lorewalker’s room, it was now overtaken with articles headlined with amazing, fantastical things such as “Dust Devils Deep Dive into Vashj’ir as Old God Rises” and “Dust Devils Stop Evil Forces From Re-writing History!” and even less amazing, fantasical things like “Quiz: What Dust Devil Are You?”

He’d written all of them. And all of them had happy endings. Except for the quiz, he’d answered the questions himself and got Blondie.

He glanced around in the hope of finding some other source of inspiration. A whole corner of his office had strings pinned to various notes and pictures, criss-crossing in connections that only made sense to him. Charcoal sketches of every Devil were pinned there, with notations like “Actually undead?” “Really just a cat?” “Does he actually own shirts?”

He sighed and dropped his quill, staring straight forward from his desk, at the portraits all lined up next to Kaitylinn. Some of the old members had new paper pinned over it, with sketches of nightborne, an orc, a Zandalari troll. A deathly pale blood elf with eyes drawn in with blue chalk.

They’d all got on that zeppelin and flown away.

Perhaps this time they really weren’t the heroes after all.

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The Dust Devils finally come to the end of their Christmas special adventure - in record time, it only took them till…mid January?!

Truly, the villains of the Dust Devils universe have never been known for their subtlety; but the big bad of this festive season had clearly been playing a long game indeed, in an all too intricate plot that’d give even the four dimensional chess playing Jailer a run for his money! But who’d be possible of such a feat of masterful planning - why, who else, but the most sinister scoundrel of them all; the Supreme Leader herself!

Hijacking the villainous schemes of not one, not two, but FOUR separate recurring antagonists, the Supreme Leader plotted and schemed; exploiting the memory stealing technology of Azero-Dex Incorporated, the twisted medical science of Serenity Falls, the hive mind control of the insectoid Swarm - and of course, the mind rotting purple goop of the Joy Division! To what end?!

Why, what else; a new plague, of terrifying potential - to infect every last man woman and child on Azeroth, and imprint the Supreme Leader’s mind over their own! Imagine; an army of countless millions, in every corner of the world - every last one of them a different version of you! The whole of Azeroth; though diverse in physicality, united at last in thought; the Supreme Leader’s thoughts! Draining some minds; infecting others with the Joy Division’s cackling curse, the Leader ensured she’d mushed the brains of Orgrimmar’s masses into to a fine blank canvas, over which she could more readily overwrite her own consciousness!

Only after a rip roaring battle through the streets of Orgrimmar against chuckling cultists and mindless mobs did the Dust Devils discover the Supreme Leader’s lair in the caves far beneath the city - and not a moment too soon, for the plague machine burst into life; and so did the masses come under her spell!

And so the desperate duel began against the greatest force of evil our corner of Azeroth has ever know! But by a miracle did our heroes finally managed to defeat the Supreme Leader, and reverse the effects of her diabolical plague - saving the world, just in time for Christmas January the 14th!

Alas, even as the good people of Orgrimmar recovered their own thoughts, did the Supreme Leader’s baleful spirit erupt into the skies - unable to catch her, the Devils know she’ll be back to wreak havoc another day; but for now, at long last the chance to celebrate the late Christmas Azeroth might never have known had it not been for the work of the heroes it never even knew it needed!


What an adventure; a two part Christmas special stretching out into an 8 part campaign extravaganza!

But that’s just the start of 2023; the guild has never been healthier, with more active players than ever before- and we’re still recruiting, with plenty more action adventure to come! :smiley:

You know what they say; supervillains are harder to squash than cockroaches - and rest assured the Supreme Leader, along with all the rest of them, will be back before you know it!

Question is, will you be around to help us defeat them yet again?! Hope to see you in game some time friends; peace-!


HELLO FRIENDS I can’t type on mobile so here’s the quickest of the quick updates-!

The dust devils find themselves stranded upon a mysterious island littered with the rotting remains of numerous fallen airships - yet they are far from alone with the wreckage: as a nightmarish something pursues them through the darkness, it’s arms a little too long, and it’s maw a little too wide …

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, a horde garrison collapses into chaos; it’s inhabitants driven to their knees, with horrid, black ink erupting endlessly forth from their every orifice!

Will the dust devils escape the island in time to deal with this strange new infection elsewhere in the world?! Are the two even related - or are different villains striking simultaneously?!

There’s only one way to find out - on the dust devils in game adventures, coming to an RP server near you!!

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Hello friends!

Quick update - the Dust Devils escaped portal hell and are back on the road of adventure on Azeroth!

Where will that winding path lead us next?!

Probably to an ink stained Horde garrison somewhere in the wilderness - but until then, see you around gamers!



Having narrowly thwarted the evil Azero-Dex Incorporated’s master plan to use enraged elementals to flatten swathes of Azeroth’s coastal communities (all to snap up the land for pennies and redevelop it into luxury beach side resorts), the Dust Devils promptly return to Orgrimmar - only for Kaitylinn to mysteriously disappear before their very eyes!

While some call that a relief, to the Devils it’s a disaster; for without Kaity, there goes even the faintest hope of any of them getting paid for their adventures! And it always was a faint hope at best !

With their only clue being a strange muffled voice on her spare radio speaking of an “angel” - will our heroes be able to locate their missing boss in time?! And will she finally pay them for their services ?!

Or is this the end of nobody’s favourite Westfall country girly?!

There’s only one place to find out; see you on the server!
