In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Terenas in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Had a bunch of low level characters.
Don’t remember guild specifics.
I’m looking for a Night Elf Druid called Dall/Dallis, and a Night Elf Hunter called Honime if I remember correctly.
thewildernis dwarf hunter/ thelight Human paladin
Flammeus and the honor guard
did MC bwl and AQ
Redmane, dwarf paladin ^^
Nirnayeth NE Rogue, Sylandra NE Priest… teased for whiny voiced on vent. I think old guild was Dies Irae?
Currently moved overseas and on US servers, may play on EU classic realms to be with friends, haven’t decided yet.
Hello! This is a longshot, but you never know.
I was the Druid “Xeno”, or Mage “Xenith” back in the day, somewhere between “Guild of Shadows” or “Shadows of the Past” (Guild drama is nothing new!). Curious if anyone is still around 
Heya, I played Chandra, a mage and Aurion, a priest, in the Guild “Guild of Shadows” “Shadows of the past” And in “Resurrection” I have many people I would love to reconnect with
Narsul, Alagvagor, Skara, Aldarion my dear Portuguese brother, Hydra, Slingshot, Flamingo (called Steve irl) Comwell (a mage from GoS) Ben, Fandi, Gondo, Wacka, Scaryface (a paladin who was in GoS ) Kindacute (all his alts called Kinda) Rollin. Devyan. There are so many. If any of you remember me, or know any of these names or were in any of these guilds please contact me
I would love to hear from you <3
Poulnyrup, Human Priest later Emmagad, spacegoat Shaman
Guild: Order of the Tigerzebra/One Spot and Headhunters
Will play classic again when it launch, pve server because I still dont think ganging low levels is “fun world pvp” Not sure which server yet, trying to figure out if anyone else from back then have decided a realm.
Terenas Tavern community is up btw mostly horde talk yet so would be awesome if team blue showed up 
Poke me on Terenas Tavern if you have an idea about server or just wanna chat.
Ps: Phiz is still remember the 30g I lend you for the zg enchant.
Haha what a blast from the past. I was the paladin called akanee from GoS. Alot of those names mentioned rings a bell. Hope youre all still doing well
styggeulf gnome mage
guilds “the prophecy” and “the exiles”
Hey bud , no quiet sure but your druid name rings a distant bell , I had Nelf druid called Twister , I might even have been for a short while in Shadows of the Past
Boz, Human Mage in the guild Anathema.
Was in Battle Inflictors to start with then a stint in Guild of Shadows…
Just looking to see if any old Anathemian’s are joining up for Classic and which server will Terenas Tavern be on?
Juleser NE rogue
any one from OG (also late joiners ;)headhunters, but especially Alzor (MATE!!)
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I played a night elf Druid called Winton.
Started out in blade runners then went to ira Sanctus and done most of my raiding with tabula Rasa and then one spot.
Played human paladin called Gulop
in guild Anathema
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Played a Pally called Faroe in ‘Guild of Shadows’ was pretty young back in 2004/5 but had a great time taking part in some raids etc. From what I remember the guild was very friendly and family orientated. The name Sheila comes to mind but so long ago now haha.
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Bestexe - was in the guild Velocity. Actually played in TBC, but the guild was around from classic and I’m curious to see if anyone else’s going to show up
Furiuzz, Human, Mage, was in Wild Wolves and all the offsprings from that guild. Some of the names of ppl i remember is: Belek Chibi Feanor Nadge Nenya Tarzoon Unordinary Vilaisin TheMan Cluracarn (well i logged on my old toon and friendslist still contained these names
) but i remember most, some where in Headhunters too. I recently came back to the game, and i play Rogue on Emeriss right now. Had that toon on terenas a while under the name Skanke/Zagul
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I was Gengens the Human Mage, looking for anyone that was in Novus Imperia back in the day. Names I remember are Yaig, Doocan (and varieties of Doo). But also another human mage who taught me to play. Lyreon, if you’re out there, I will be Gengens the Human Mage on Pyrewood Village! Come say Hi!