I am not sure what do you mean by 8hr, but ok.
And yeah, recently i only give contructive feedback to guys that come with something new.
Not to guys that are hurr durr give hvh, faction change? Not needed, balancing factions? Not needed? Alliance potentoally dying? Not interested gib hvh
i wouldnt faction change liek 90% of my faction so suck it up pls
If it would be construtive it would be applied. Meanwhile, all i see is.
“stupid zug zug” and comming up later that you got personaly attacked. What are you expecting? Even people on your side wouldnt bother to argue with you.
You repeating “faction balance” bla bla. “Alliance dying”
There isnt a proof, either real numbers to rely on. Factions die if people rather shi**talk the boards instead of playing more likely, as it could ever happen with HvH. You literaly copy and paste your opinion from youtube.
The only thing that makes the alliance potentialy die are people like you repeating it over and over again so other (alliance also) are more likely to believe it.
All you can do is waiting how it turns out after weeks of testing/applieing. Wether you like it or not. Sh***spamming here wont help.
But you will continue anyways.
10% is ALOT, i would be fine with that
SO MUCH FUN!!! Premades and getting rekt all the damn time we get in que…
“There is no advantage being alliance”
30min que, 4min battle
Ok let me tell you why we think ally might die
- Ally are at this point minority and its not fun playing with less people in world
- Its believed that horde racials are superior to allys in pve and pvp
- After retail got merc system, its balance got way more unbalance than it was before
- We can see that blizz is more interested in horde problem than ally problem and that takes our hope of rebalancing away
- The only natural barrier of keeping faction somewhat balanced will be gone
We have atleast some reasons to believe that the pop balance will get only worse
Yeah, ally is telling you that the q and few arena mu are only advantages od ally
The worst is, that people like you repeating it over and over again. So People believe this nonsene copy and paste opinion which has no proof at all. Which makes it ultimatively true.
Thats the last i can tell you before i end up like you 8 hours a day on the boards with empty arguments.
Have a good day playing forum-wow.
No response to amy point, kust tells me everything is wrong without explanatin. Didnt you call me troll?
not even one alliance want this change, Why is it allways help out the horde ?, I know you listen to the biggest part of the player base. But I will personally Unsub the 5 active accounts I have if you make this change.
You even helped horde in Classic aswell. “FIXED” AV for hordes. Stop changing the game. let it be like its supposed to be. Everyone knew about this before choosing faction for tbc.
Stop it.
I will sub my 6 inactive accounts if they make this change!!!1!1!1!
Not a single alliance will like that. I asked them. All of them. Every single one.
I also cancelled my 300 Subs for now.
no pun intended.
Its gonna come to a point where the faction will balance itself out by all the horde cancelling their subscriptions.
To a lot of People bgs are a lot of fun, not being able to play them just sucks. I am an ex hardcore pvp player, i dont like pve because i feel like its simple and boring. So i really want to pvp every minute im on the game, i play some arena’s with a few friends whenever they are on but besides that theres only BGs for me as world pvp isnt a thing on my server cus its like 99.9 % horde populated. But am i going to sit in a 45 minute Q just to play some BG’s for fun? No i get annoyed/ less interested in the game and log off instead.
Day by day theres more People getting bored on the game because the content that makes this game the great game it used to be, isnt as accessable to everyone. What is this gonna result in? People ( including me) will quit. Because we sure aint rerolling alliance spending weeks of time to play what we actually like about the game.
Either make free faction changes or h2h bgs a thing again before classic tbc will die out more than it already has.
It doesn’t affect alliance, it’s not their business, who cares if they want HvH or not?
I was talking about PVPers, what you’ve raised here is unrelated to the BG queues. Sure people will look at existing guides and make decisions based off that and there’s nothing that can be done about that. However to argue that allowing FvF will kill alliance is illogical because all PVPers will be either here right now, or will be rolling a character soon based on either aesthetics or the perceived meta. FvF will not affect the alliance population by making new potential characters pick horde instead.
no - its giving more candy to the already entitled. horde shat on the table and now need to eat it
Bring it back.
Why would they even play BGs when its like this? Most of them already farmed their gear weeks ago and have 75k honor + 100 each mark stacked in bags for next season - causing even longer queues on top of the faction balance.