If you’re Alliance just unsub honestly.
This latest Bluepost just confirms that they have no intention of fixing faction balance and instead want to make it worse.
If you’re Alliance just unsub honestly.
This latest Bluepost just confirms that they have no intention of fixing faction balance and instead want to make it worse.
I will not unsub atleast not for now , i do not feel prejudiced if horde fight horde as long they beat each otehrs they can kick each others as much as they want.
As long they do not sabotage our battleground with retail mercenary and afk with their endless flaw of players and reroll I will not unsub because of some horde players ! NO !
You don’t even run into premades in AV though.
“As long they do not sabotage our battleground”
Are you dumb? The BG is already destroyed with long butt(u cant use the “a” word lol ) ques for the horde faction… cause no one likes alliance lol
No but it seems you are , sabotage of battleground and afking from hordes and their reroll fro quick marks and honor and griefing does and still take place in retail simpleton !
Don’t take your taste of faction for the like of everyone , you too aren’t the navel of the world more like the word you used about the rear.
What does soon mean?
How long do we have to wait for more tests?
One would have assumed “more testing” would have started today as it was server restarting but I’m really sad to see that wasn’t the case. Now I’ll be pretty much just raid logging since there’s not much to do aside of using profession cd’s and sell some items in AH.
Not much of fan to these 1-1,5 waiting times when one has 3-5 hours time to play in evening
Yesterday there were 30min que on anything but AV, what do you mean?
I don’t know which time you played but that wasn’t the case around 18-20 or 1am
I am not horde, but yesterday i ask and in like 6pm some horde told me that ab and eos were 28min q, wsg 36m and av 60m
You can x3 that easy because majority isnt even playing or queing any longer till p2 or changes regarding PvP Que. Whole PvP Guilds basicly frozen in time rn until changes hit. And People dont even try any longer to que up. Half of my guild already cancelled subs until p2 / ssc.
There is at least 3 or 4 times the amount of people that would play pvp/bg.
Situation rn is beyond good and couldnt be fixed with faction changes because that’d require a 80/20 Pop for alliance to even the pvp que out. Because majority of horde is playing pvp unlike alliance where the majority is playing pve. 50/50 pop would maybe give use -2-5 minutes que which… is still terrible and beyond playable.
Nah, population doesnt work like that, simply said way too many pvp players rolled horde from classic, that is why the ques got way worse, you dont need that many pvpers to reroll
Let people enjoy the game if they want to, you can unsub tho if you so choose, but dont command others to do so.
So, it’s been a month since my sub has been cancelled and still Blizzard are doing nothing to fix the PVP. The testing ended a week ago and they were looking to test it again, but none provided at least a tentative date when it will re-enabled again (probably to not lose player base and they will continue to play). Few of my friends subs back to check the game and gave positive feedback about the outcome. Now, probably even more subscriptions are being cancelled due to the fact that people saw that they could have the chance to play/enjoy PVP but then it was taken away (i’m waiting for a “Specialist in Racial Spells” to reply here) (sounds like a real job but for the trolls here that spamming for racial imbalance)
Lets be realistic that the amount of the testing that was done couldn’t have generated that much information or possible surprising outcomes which Blizzard couldn’t have predict or the changes required shouldn’t be that huge it would take weeks to roll on production.
It should be also needless to say if their next testing is as narrow as the previous one, possible time to analyze, implement and roll out changes will be as long as it has been so far, the whole P1 is pretty much effed up and P2/S2 will be rolling out or should be released around that time.
Which will probably end up to the situation that Blizzard will artificially prolong phase 1 which content has been played out already, meaning today, like I can get 1-2 upgrades from Kara and who on their right mind will be interested to play the same content just because P1 was shtshow and tk and ssc should have been released already.
It doesn’t make any sense to let pve and pvp players suffer and raid log just because there’s nothing else they can do in the game
Another fun game! 35min que, alliance premade… hmmm cry much alliance for instant win and pop?
Game over in 3min… fun! Is this what im paying for… Horde vs horde NOW again ty.
35 min is almost classic lvl, so its not that bad
Also i thought horde supports the 99% winrate bgs, kinda confused here
no 30min is not “classic level” it was almost instant to 8min in tbcs golden days…
It looks like 35 min atm, because all horde players are not joining bgs and they are waiting HvH on to start proper honor farm.
Personally i am not that stupid waiting 1 hour for 21 honor against 90% alliance premade.
Apart from queue times the biggest problem is that alliance CAN premade but horde cant because you cant make 14 other people wait for 1 hour for a single match.
And lastly you cant compare it with classic. Because ranking was faction specific there and all players were competing in equal conditions. Both sides had got pros and cons.
But now we pay same honor price for same items and alliance’ honor gain is x30 faster.
Well, they are only waiting 35 min now dont they? So premades are possible