Testing of Same-Faction Battlegrounds Will Continue

I’d like to play arena about with 10 irl friends, I’ve suggested we would buy alliance alts but most of them refuse to put anymore money “to this sh*t game and rather wait fixing of this issue” and few of them said they should have started to play alliance at the beginning as in vanilla but couple stubborn guys didn’t want that since “they have played horde since vanilla” and that’s how all ended up on horde faction.

Even if I’d hypothetically buy alliance mage (just so I can solo level SP) it would take 2-3 weeks from 58-70 (playing some hours after work) pvp gearing would take what 1-2 months and at this point we should be at P2 god forbid if we’re stuck with P1 longer, hopefully hvh solution is live at this point so in short it’s not reasonable to level alliance char just to play bgs and arenas at this point what comes time and effort.

I already have 2x lvl70 and 3x lvl64 horde chars so in addition to adding 6th just for pvp and “starting from nothing” is also silly since my 3 non 70 chars has relatively good gear as one has full naxx bis and two others have classic P5 bwl/aq40 bis so leveling with that gear is actually enjoyable vs fresh gear, I know from experience since leveled paladin and it took 4-5 kara resets to get better gear than my 60lvl druid with full t3 etc

Literally a joke instead of the game company, why do you wait for this??? people leaving, they probably wont dissapoint 3.5 pseudo humans from alliance that lurk and troll on forum since release of tbcc, i dont see any issues with releasing it right now, who cares about 9.1 when you can just make hvh bgs

HvH was just a bait for players to sub. Expect another test in 2-3 weeks.

I mean seriously dude - I am from Alliance too, but are you seriously suggesting that they should simply pay Boost (if they have not used it already) just to pvp on a faction they might not even enjoy?

What’s up with you guys wanting to gatekeep horde so badly from BGs?
They are literally paying monthly fees for this game, like everyone else, and are not allowed to play the damn game. And please do not argue with “they made their decission when picking factions” - yes maybe some of them are FOTM-racial rollers, however some legit just want to play horde/with their friends. Is not letting them play the right way to go about this?

This was something Blizzard as a higher power in this case, should have managed - they didn’t so stop blaming the players for this.

This is just unbelievable at this point - we all used to share passion for this game and now people get happy that others cannot enjoy their game. YIKES!


dont even bother to speak with them, they are trolling since first hordie got 70

Wrong again dude. Almost all private servers had some bonuses for alliance. They all have been trying to balance factions and many of them offer HvH bgs too when the queue ratios exceed 45-55.

Free transfers, alliance only free respecs, alliance only honor bonus, HvH bgs etc. were some of their solutions.

It is really unbelievable.

However this applies to both sides - when i saw horde furiously trying to gank the alliance off of their server, because they had 1h BG queues i was seriously buffled as well. What kind of idiotique backwards thinking is this?

Do some people even try to think that behind any other character there is usually only another human being, coming home from work/school/whatever just wanting to have some quality hours in game?

… unbelievable.

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they probably didn’t have any friends and they haven’t contacted to any other people irl for 10 years sooooo they are so salty because of that ig

However this never solved the issue fully. Horde was always favorite, even with all incentives.

They tried to solve not only faction balance but also pvp participation to make game enjoyable for everyone with its full content. They all tried to reduce horde queues for years.

Atm A H population ratio doesnt reflect queue ratio. The gap is incredible because alliance has less interest in pvp or they got all their gear in 2-3 days already.

Now the game is “half” for horde players.

Completely understand you - it’s a shame that one faction is simply not allowed to enjoy half of the content. Not even sure how anyone could argue against it.

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Enable paid faction change, if we want queues faster so badly, we can faction change, why is this so hard??

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“Will continue”.

“When ?”

“Will continue”.



Well i was trying to say that pserver had indeed bonuses for ally, but they werent usually hvh


I bet Blizzard is waiting for end of the month (because the most subs usualy go off/on at the end of month. To force the horde into new subs they come up with it at the end of the month.

And iam sick of it Blizzard…

Just do it and one time give a frikkin damn about your shady buisness tactics, kkthx.
Its exactly the reason why even the most loyal fans slowly turn by 180 degree and slowly start to think you lost all integrity possible.


As you can see that’s not the case 50mn queue time ? Is this real? - #42 by Altermaniel-mograine

still no update on when will it come back…

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There’s no update on when it will come back because they are looking at the sub drop off and wondering if they just performed financial harakiri.

They prob have to stick with HvH now in order to hold sub counts from plummeting off the face of the earth but make no mistake, they just infected their product fatally.

Imagine the hunch of people screaming about negative effects after “i unsubbed, I unsubbed”.

Nice way to sabotage the test guys!

If you were fair people, you would have staid right? Since the test has top be based on daily parametres and not when alliance is pmsing.

Who knows, maybe through some Tom Cruise logic, it would have had some negative effects that you would have been able to gloat with.

People talking about unsubbing are just noise when it comes to Blizzard. They can see exactly how many people did so and why (or at least why they say they unsubbed). They don’t rely on forum posts.