Testing of Same-Faction Battlegrounds Will Continue

well dude…its kinda simple…where most pvp servers are horde favored and some are just dead on alliance,it simply cant be 50/50 in wpvp

For the same reason they won’t post subscriber numbers. Because they look bad. Retail is not popular and now Nu-retail-tbc won’t be popular. Classic is over. Watch what happens if this change stays.


Dont bother trying to reason with hordes they got no damh clue whats happening outside Ogrimmar and as long as it helps them they are ok with not having a healthy game


You are right. Irl > forum posting > Nu-retail-like-tbc.

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media.istockphoto com/photos/tin-foil-hat-isolated-on-white-background-conspiracy-theory-picture-id1225332599

something that may help you while trolling.


Now can we get Dungeon Finder ala Retail? I don’t have time to wait 30+ mins to create a group, then another 10+ minutes for everyone to be ready for summ or “get inside” the Dungeon.

I don’t want to watch the whole LFG chat for over 30 mins to see if there is a Dungeon I want to do or until I get an invite.

Lolololololo Blizzard, DO SOMETHING!!! Wasting a good 40+ minutes to create a Dungeon group or join one?? I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME!!

PS: Also, where the eF is TBC LFG tool which was there Day 1 back in the days??

alliance right now be like
imgur com/gallery/Is33g

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Those numbers are made up. And they also do not correlate at all to HvH queues.

Wrong. It did nothing for the Russian alliance.

Russian alliance has a lot less pvpers than the whole European region. For us, the game doesn’t start unless the system can find almost a full team of Russian alliance. Which can result in long queues, us not starting with the full team or the game just doesn’t start / not available. This is a problem in late evening and at night.

play Chromie realm? nooo we should cry on forums

isn’t this just pure sharp 200 iq logic, you truly are a smart one

looks at horde vs alliance server % balance

if you think the slight % difference in population numbers warrants an over 1 hour que for horde you need to change your narrative

I can only speak from what I’m personally observing, but being considerate and careful is something you don’t have time for.
BGs are already a cesspool of toxic a-holes and people without any ambition, because all the “normal” players seem to have moved on. Most of the time, there is absolutely no competitive spirit, because people are extremely fed up and they will immediately turn on each other and give up once their team’s behind. The general perception in the community seems to be that BGs are a hassle and a chore, because you either get stomped or you stomp.
IMO, this mentality is a direct result from the way queue times played out since release: long q times on horde means, anything but a win is a huge waste of time, so winning becomes the standard expectation and if your team doesn’t deliver, you get frustrated. Conversely, having to face premades without a chance of winning means giving up immediately once behind becomes the new norm. I frankly don’t know if it’s not already too late to make BG PvP fun again, because players nowadays care way too much about outcome and efficiency to just have fun in a random BG.

I clearly stated that the problem is NOT faction ratios, but servers that were healthy two weeks ago dying overnight as a direct result of turning classic into retail. Why should alliance servers be negatively affected to fix a horde problem?

The whole point of not having teleport is so groups can’t easily replace players once they’re inside, preventing the kind of toxic behavior we saw from WotLK onwards where ppl would votekick or leave for the most futile reasons.

TBC LFG tool, yes. WotLK-style RDF with teleport to dungeon, hell no.

EDIT: Also I’m fully aware nothing of this belongs to this thread.

-Retail, Ironforge


Thanks for participating

ratio is like 45/55 thats ok

So Alliance on PvP realms are paying their sub to have the Horde play more comfortably.

Glad to hear that you have first and second class players.


Yes, because your faction is a bunch of cowards that fight only when heavily outnumbering the enemy and cower in fear in the face of equal odds.