Testwork Warcraftlogs - Warrior Results

Result of warrior tank testing on Testwork on SoD PTR
3 Different pulls
https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/mkbdnwTQRZ3qDKc7#fight=last&type=damage-done 3/31/17 Fury prot

https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/cmN7CDFxHyrYWKv3#fight=3&type=damage-done 17/34/0 Impale Fury

17/34/0 Devastate Fury

On every pull the other tank generated at minimum double threat, and often double or atleast close to double damage.

With the way warrior threat works there is a 1.1x modifier to threat in defensive stance unless talented, this is fine as long as the damage matches - with the new changes it absolutely does not.

Basically tank warriors are useless compared to every other tank as it stands. The nerfs to warrior seem to be a complete overreaction to the way warriors are shown on WClogs (Warrior players more than others go to insane lengths to do more damage and so are overrepresented on wclogs frontpages)

The way i see warriors being fixed for P4 SoD is to

  • reverse the SMF change back to 10% dmg 10% movespeed
  • remove “Requires Shield” restrictions on gladiator stance (just make it an open stance with no bonus when no shield is worn), and shield wall
  • make a rune or baseline change to how Shield Block Value is obtained via str it is currently 60 STR to 1 SBV leading to basically 0 scaling on shield slam
  • make CBR leg rune useful, in its current state its never gonna be used, 60 rage for a 10% dmg proc is fine

Set bonuses on t1 need to be completely revamped - nobody in the history of everything has ever wanted to stance dance as part of their rotation. Completely out of touch decisions made by completely out of touch devs.

This is also true, the tier bonuses are absolutely wack assuming the datamined sets are finalised