When trying to play WoW Classic while PC is tethered to mobile phone connection (vodafone subcontractor, 4G, unlimited bandwidth) I’m getting one out of three things:
1.Stuck at logging in to game server until forced disconnect (sometimes this persists all day long)
2.Stuck at 75% loading screen
3.Logs on but getting Transfer aborted: instance not found errors, when trying to zone (this happens 100% of the time if I actually get online)
If I try hard enough and actually make it past check 1. and 2. above and online it seems the ‘transfer aborted: instance not found’ will go away after about 20 minutes.
When I unplug and switch back to LAN or WLAN connection these problems go away instantly.
Internet works flawlessly, literally every other game I got on steam works without problems, so I dare to say it’s a WoW problem and no, deleting WTF didn’t resolve it.
Tethered connections are not supported by Blizzard.
No, that doesn’t say that they won’t work, it simply means that Blizzards technical support won’t be able to assist you with any connectivity issues, as it is outside of their support scope.
Try disabling IPv6 support either for WoW itself or whole mobile connection and see if that helps. I think some people were reporting issues with IPv6 connectivity (mostly from Iran though so no idea if it is causing issues here.).
Ok, it gets more mysterious, I actually have two accounts and I’m trying it out just now, account 1 can go online but will have the transfer aborted: instance not found when trying to hearth, account 2 can’t get past logging in to game server.
edit: same language region same server
I just experienced this exact issue, and this thread confirmed my suspicions. ISP has planned work tonight, so me and SO connected computers to my phones hotspot. She was able to log in, I was not. Made a hotspot on my tablet and connected my pc to that, and got in.
This is likely due to NAT IP’s, so one wow account per IP is able to log in. If you’re so unlucky as to have another person under your operator using the same NAT IP for WoW, you’re not gonna get in. Turning flight mode on/off could refresh your IP if that should happen to you.