Texture Flickering

…aaand it’s back.
With the latest GeForce driver update, the texture flickering is back in WoW.

Anyone else having this problem?
If so, let’s address it asap :slight_smile:

To add, it’s the same as before.
It primarily shows when I press C (character panel) and some assets will flicker. In this case, Kai’s hat and daggers go fully black.
Most of my characters on select screen will have black assets on their armor pieces, my Zandalari has hair flicker problem too.

It’s not present IN-GAME on character, but it’s only a matter of time again. I had my daggers flicker on my Velf for a while.
Note, it is ONLY present after updating to latest GeForce drivers.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Black Flickering?