Thank for second wave froggers on trolls

It so nice that people who get 10000+ main stat on froggs now can get 60000+ bronzes in hour for one more hyperspawn glitch on trolls on thunder isle, thanks Blizzard for nothing doing with froggers, and nothing doing with trollers, in near future any normal player dont will can play in this mode because exploit users will be have gear and characteristics that can`t be received during the entire event honestly.

They did target the froggers here?

There has been quite an abundant threads from frog abusers and frog farmers infact. I would not be surprised if they will be more heavy handed in the next approach.

They also gave a fair compensation to the non-frog abusers in the same thread.

They fix back for some player, but dont for all, 1/10 people who i can see in game have 9000+ main stat, dont think that this guys do it for 2 week this event honestly.

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