Thank you Blizzard For removing PvP Scaling

Right, Competition.

Now, After 6 months doing 20 BG every single day, what’s your end goal? what can differentiate you from any casual guy? You think that because you’re doing 20BG a day for 6 months you’ll be beter than a casual guy who is doing maybe 3 times a week? how can you prove it? maybe it’s because you’re playing the alpha class, it doesn’t reflect your investment in the game for example.

If only we had some special things worth of investing time in PVP, maybe people would stop being in the middle AFK VH and start actually playing PVP. What’s the point in winning if there’s nothing to get and if the first come from a RAID can outgear you in PVP…

I personally miss the Legion templates. They just needed some tweaks here and there, but it was a good system in my opinion.


I thought they were really nice, but agree that tweaking was needed.
Imo it’d probably fix things right up if they just scaled people to a certain item level, kept the 1-10% buff from good gear (maybe even increasing it to 15%?), and let people customize secondary stats.

Voila! Fresh toons aren’t useless, but people with really good gear still have an advantage over them.

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Yeah fun right… BGS is filled with premades ( who are full mytic geared players ) 1 shoting low ilvl players…

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I think the scaling is still there. I’ve noticed SW:D hitting notably harder on tank specs with a lot of health than everyone else. But maybe the OP is talking about something else.

To my knowledge, at some point they simply tuned tanks to take huge truckloads of additional damage in PvP regardless of their health pool. That feature might still be in the game even if the regular scaling isn’t.

no god pls no lfr already fill thos banoons dont need more them

I recall it being mentioned that tank specs take an extra 50% damage in pvp. Not sure if this also applies to wpvp but it was the case in bgs.

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