Thank you Blizzard šŸ˜

No, this is not a sarcasm thread. Ive been playing / loving wow since '04 but the last few expansions (Shadowlands Mainly) were not for me at all , same with the ending to Battle for Azeroth and it saddened me greatly so i left but i decided to give Dragonflight a chance,

And wow, this is so much fun and the islands are great, its immersive yet not Doom & Gloom,

Thank you blizzard for making an expansion that im having a great time in , Professions are great and fun again, Dragonriding is a blast ! and the new talent trees are way better than the boring ones we had before.

All in all, im having a great time and i feel like im getting my moneys worth.

TLDR - The Islands are amazing and the scenery is great, the new systems are fantastic and im loving it!

What do you guys think about DF so far?


Same here. I love DF so far. Grinded my heart out and canā€™t wait for raid and m+

Also really surprised by how rewarding and well designed the world content is.

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Same, really enjoying it

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Iā€™m loving itā€¦ I skipped shadowlands because I noticed during there was a lot of copy-pasta going on when it came to content with a focus on meaningless slogless grind for the sake of the grind.

I heard good things about dragonflight so I figured to take a peek and Iā€™m astounded in a good way. I love the new xpac; the crafting, the island, the storiesā€¦

and omg the attention to detail is astounding. Iā€™m a massive multi-alt player and to see how quest dialogue differs from one char to the next REALLY makes me happy. From Veritistraz acknowledging the fall of Teldrasil on my druid or Gilneas on my worgenā€¦ to the tailor getting flustered by my evoker needing holes in his clothes for his wings whilst my pandaren monk just got so lost in that conversation.

Alsoā€¦ the small sad storiesā€¦ Iā€™m sorry veristraz; hope weā€™ll help you remind your friendā€™s name and I hope weā€™ll help Duroz scaletaker get some peace of mindā€¦

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It is awesome :two_hearts:

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Itā€™s typical that itā€™s best expansion for a good while and can only be played like 4 hours a week by me.

Why oh why, couldnā€™t you do this in BFA where I was playing 8 hours a day.

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I think this is the best expansion Blizzard has created since MoPā€¦ actually dare I say, since Lich King. This is the beginning of a good direction for the game, and hopefully a revival. For the first time in nearly 10 years, I am considering applying to some raid guilds.

However, we as a community should constantly (and constructively) hold them to account. This is their ball to drop after all, and it isnā€™t in our interests to see them drop that ball.

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Havent had so much fun playing WoW since Mists of Pandaria and the first few Months of Warlords of Draenor.

Now only need to find some fun People from Italy and Russia to play with.

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The game does not clutter us with lots of currencies, the map is so beautiful when there is almost nothing on it. I hated dragonriding for a while, but now Iā€™m really starting to like it. You get the impression that you donā€™t have to log in every day, spend days and nights farming, because you wonā€™t be that far behind. Itā€™s a great feeling.

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Loving the responses, im so glad more people feel the same way!

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judging it from a friendā€™s computer its not so bad

very fun

So far, considering S1 is only just about to drop, itā€™s a breath of fresh air. In terms of visuals, worldbuilding, storytelling, interactions and different ways to progress, itā€™s the best weā€™ve had in a long while. Letā€™s hope Blizzard doesnā€™t drop the ball.
There are some kinks that need ironing out though; people complaining about knowledge points in professions and a lack of dailies. Once they finds solutions, weā€™ll be golden.

Itā€™s refreshing to see threads like these

Big fan. It no longer feels like a chore, but an actual joy to play.

I was enjoying DF immensely, and I mean that. but I broke my wrist a couple of days ago :sob:

I am enjoying DF a lot

Absolutley loving the expac so far. What an improvement

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Im really enjoying it! World pvp feels good, WQs are fun, the zones are breathtaking.
Great expansion so far!

So far so goodā€¦ i will hold my final judgement back till i start doing M+, see how the dungeons hold up then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™m loving it too so far!

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