Thank you, but this is not for me

Perhabs you should, because you have never read it. You’re literally the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The tests were done with Cornell University undergraduates from a variety of courses such as psychology. Not once has it been mentioned in all 4 studies that people were selected based on IQ. But please continue to make yourself look stupid. Here, have fun reading:’s_Own_Incompetence_Lead_to_Inflated_Self-Assessments


Ohh you mean like all the gamer dads and overall just normal people thinking they know exactly the games player interaction with or without RDF/LFD, when they claim the game died without it and it will be brought to life again if we introduce it?

Sounds exactly like some random nobodies thinking they know everything about something they clearly do not know much about except having interacted with it more than once in retail?

That’s not the Dunning-Kruger effect. That’s a conclusion that people have made through experience.


Have you never considered how ilvl works? Tell me do you think there is a difference between a full bis 10man player and a full bis 25man player? What about a full raid of 10man players vs a full raid of 25man players in T7?

That’s the difference between old Ulduar and WOTLKC Ulduar, +13 avg ilvl. If you truly think this is a small difference in performance I don’t know why I’m bothering with this conversation.

Edit : Jumping in on the DK thing, it’s an inability to perceive ones own incompetence, usually because of a lack of deeper understanding of the subject matter and any involved mechanics. I think it’s also closely tied with imposter syndrome on the opposite end of the scale.

So it’s the same as people going on about how keeping RDF out will magically keep the community going and revitalize it despite the fact that in current day and age WoW isn’t the sole source of social interactions over the internet, other games proving it’s possible to have a good community and social interactions with RDF and Classic community in general shifting to min-max obsessed people that began raidlogging right as Naxx was released?

So you are actually arguing that intelligent people are so dumb they cant realise their limits while dumb people can? And both can do it to the same degree of each other?

because that paper is basicly talking about idiots and people with some intelligence. But i guess if you cant see that why bother with you at all.
If you really want to know you should mail them.

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Different gear. 25man naxx dont have upgrades of 10man loot. It is totaly different gearsets.

Ulduar boosted gear is basicly nothing. 3 more critrating wont boost you above and beyond.

About the DK thing. And we can talk about logic and understanding logic. It is based on IQ but we dont have to mention IQ when we compare logical thinking and problem solving.

Cornell University undergraduates are idiots - Nikkyblond. You really didn’t read the paper, or you lack the ability to understand it. Please do gives us some quotes from the paper that back up your claims about IQ, that shouldn’t be too hard since you have read it, right?

Oh the irony. But please do continue to show your ignorance, it’s quite amusing to read.


Studies have proven that IQ testing is incredibly flawed, overly simplistic, and doesn’t account for the complexity of human intelligence.
It often asks questions that you need foreknowledge in order to answer, which distorts the findings.

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DK has nothing to do with IQ. IQ is a problem solving test, DK relates to competency ability to self-evaluate/assess. It’s nothing to do with IQ, why you bringing IQ into something like that? DK is when someone goes on a talent show and think they have a great voice while that is obviously not the case.

It’s nothing to do with IQ, it’s a term that covers anything and everything, it relates to one’s awareness of their own incompetence.

Also, yes the Ilvl differences are significant, what are you smoking about “just 3 crit”

Voldrethar gets

+10% weapon dps
18 STR
20 Stam
12 Crit
10 ArP

That’s HUGE and it’s just one item.

Yep, I said this too. The ilvl buff is waaaay too massive and in a few weeks Ulduar will be Nax 25 difficulty wise since stuff will just melt all over. Which also means ToTGC will be quite a bit easier at the start.

So… 2 tiers just gutted for no real reason. Im still looking forward to it, but… xD yeah, not even close to what it was.

Time to bring out the Editor’s Pen ™

WoW good gud post-cata, IN MY OPINION. There never was ‘‘adventuring’’ or ‘‘exploring the world’’ after the initial playthrough FOR ME, or any other argument vanilla-enthusiasts pray like the bible (RELEVANCE?). FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOMEONE WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT RAIDING, MORE RAIDING, AND NOTHING BUT RAIDING The vanilla world was a mess held together by WHAT TO ME WERE pointless quests, THAT I FELT WERE mundane short-stories and autoattacking+1 mechanic bosses for endgame.

Cata fixed all of that IN MY OPINION, raiding became engaging OR SO I BELIEVED and not only: ‘‘max 5 reps and pay 5000g for BoEs and consumables’’, the world and quests were changed into A PILE OF UTTER POO.... (oops, sorry, Editor Bias deactivated) Obvious vanilla BS like windfury oneshots, engineering trinket trickery, etc. were rightfully FROM MY PERSPECTIVE taken out.

Midwit cope, if i heard one.

So most of africa is mentally handicapped then? If IQ were a accurate representation of the ability to learn / solve problems, then that must be the case?

Africa is a big continent. Egypt, Gana, South-Africa, Sudan, just to mention a few. Those have little in common.
I know where you are attempting to go with this, but this is not a place for a this conversation.

What they have in common is that when testing their IQ , the median IQ is at 80 for north afrika and for everything south of Libya its below that. Going as low as 60.

If IQ were accurate(what its not) then most of Afrika would be mentally handicapped.

Cultural differences and lack of education and/or different upbringings does not flow into the test. The only thing it might somewhat correlate to, is success in the western world, it is still a flawed and shallow metric to measure intelligence.

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Yea, and most of the african coutries are struggling with basic needs like - clean water.
You could perhaps draw a corealtion, dont you think?
Youre arguing against yourself here.

Are you saying you think Afrika is struggling due to the population beeing naturally dumb?
The thing is, as soon as you give them education and a western upbringing they suddenly get much higher IQ scores on the western centric IQ tests. Funny, seems like Africans arent any different then us.<

This is pretty much only ammunition for the racist world view, its pretty much the new Phrenology.

Practicing problem solving does indeed improve problem solving capabilities. I’ve never claimed IQ to be inherit to birth.
Also, nice strawman.

Yes, and IQ Tests let you solve specific types of problems. If you have experience in solving similiar problems, you can take reference. If you dont have any experience you cant reference from it, then you will have a worse score, does not mean you are incappable of problem solving as a whole. You might excell at different problems/tasks which are more familiar to you and are not included in the IQ Test. This might even demand equal or more cognitiv ability then the tasks in IQ Tests.
Also, you could specifically train to be good at IQ tests, adding up to 20 IQ just down to practice.

Then dont ask open ended questions. We both know what you meant by:

I was pointing out and pressing for clarification of what you were to afraid to say outright and only ended up insinuating with plausible deniability.
edit: The only thing i can do is strawman your arguement when you dont clarify your argument, instead use vague open ended statements. Also I didnt state: “You are saying X”, I said: “Are you saying X” since your argument Is and Was open endend. In fact you still havent clarified it.