Thank You Forum Posters

I would just like to thank all you wonderful forum posters for the many laughs and giggles you’ve provided us and keep providing us with by posting here! I’m looking at you angry m+ complainer as well as you angry “m+ complainer” complainer!

I admit, I spend waaaaay too much time lurking and just reading the hilarious arguments that sprout from even the most innocent topics. My local store is running out of popcorn, so I may have to find another source soon! :joy_cat:

And the PvP posters, ohhhh I didn’t forget about you! You’ve been a critical part in this endeavour, always making sure you keep both the PvE and the PvP side of the community involved! So nice of you! :blush:

I guess all I want to say is, keep it up! :popcorn:


You’re welcome :joy:


Wait, I entertain you?

I, Rabies the Magnificent, Accept your praise.
Thankyou, i am trying the best i can!

Forum is fun sometimes yes.

I was reading a Dragonflight complaint topic on NA forums " [Very little reason to login everyday in DF], one of replies ;

This expansion makes WoD look like it was overflowing with content

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