Thank you PvP team

A lot of cc, spamable CC from rogue mage healthy? I think not. Everyone hates this.

Heart stop aura was as unhealthy as the honor talent for sin rogue where you passively had both lethal poisons applied lmao.

is it though?
Their dmg is actually pretty nuts when they burst.

maybe reduce IBF to 2min cd or make it 50% DR on 3min cd, but please don’t let them spam DS to insta heal again.
Problem with DS and unholy has always been that Death Coil isn’t exactly needed for dmg and so they can always heal without much loss.
As frost strike is absolute garbage as well currently, same would go for frost.

So if you would like to have more DS heal, they should shift much more dmg to death coil and frost stike.

But apart from that I don’t think either of the specs is missing dmg currently. Also both are now very disruptive, much more than they have been in the past thanks to dragon stun and abomb limb

It 100% is. The only two meele specs worse in arenas at the moment are Outlaw Rogue and Fury.

there are always specs at the bottom according to the community.
After you buff unholy, dh or ww will complain, then you buff those, then suddenly arms is worse etc. etc.

unholy is not terrible. There are still players that are r1 with unholy unlike fury or outlol.

unholy just doesn’t fit well into the meta, that doesn’t make the spec itself weak. The just cannot handle burst meta well I guess.

anyways I also think enhance is way worse in 2s than unholy as well =)

unholy might be much worse in 3s though

enhance has a spot in 2s with ret. granted i played around 1K6 cr but that comp feels so awful to face

Because Unholy is actually not bad in 2s (way better than Frost) but it’s pathetic in 3s. It’s way more squishy but there is some hope since it’s scaling with gear. It has nice go every 30 sec but it lacks burst. I think that Necrolords Warrior might be great enabler for Unholy - 500 mastery and Necro is way more tanky than Venthyr and Kyrian since it has Frictionless Coating every 30 sec. but then find someone who will play Necro. From my perspective if someone only plays with premade group and only meele cleaves Necrolords Warrior is even better than Venthyr. The only problem is that both Venthyr and Kyrian are better in 2s.

It’s very good option (probably the best for Enha). Other might be Shadow Priest, Feral or Boomy.

Enha can also work with healer but then you have to play Legacy of the Frost Witch and you will rather lose to specs with MS effect.

Unholy in 2s is actually really not bad. It struggles vs heavy physical damage but with Resto Shaman it’s doing very well. Problem starts in 3s where it doesn’t have Heartstop Aura or enough cleave burst to force CDs like Frost. Damage is there but it’s rather sustain one while this season is very bursty. As I said it scales well with gear so if you get gear with Frost first then you can swap and have fun with it but it’s nowhere near top meele specs.

please don’t advertise double healer comps.
But yea I see quite a lot of double hybrid healing comps on streams lately…

exactly, it isn’t bad in 2s but not great in 3s (although mes and trill instant delete people). Thing was apparently that unholy cannot protect the healer or ww as good as frost does. Their problem didn’t seem lack of dmg or lack of survivabilty of the dk itself.

How would you buff unholy to not make it a walking god again in 2s and an overlord in 3s again?
Their problem is still rather not fitting in the meta (or doesn’t provide the correct anti meta tools) than being weak by itself. Sure you can buff AMS maybe or like I said IBF but they certainly don’t need more burst… Maybe buff sustain or remove transform of gcd or whatever

Buff Necrotic Strike and give some form of defence against physical damage. Maybe Bone Armor so it’s not destroyed by Arms, WW or BM. Magic damage mitigation is actually fine imo. Death Strike as a way to supplement already used cds by DK or Healer is fine.

On the flip side of that argument, because Unholy hasn’t been designed solely around fueling Breath of Sindragosa for the past 4 or something expansions, it also has considerably worse RP generation than Frost, and not even Frost DKs can keep themselves alive with Death Strike atm.

of course not, because frost was actually doing dmg at one point with frost strike, so you lost tons of dmg if you try to heal (good design I guess?). Unholy’s death coil was always garbage so you just never used it in pvp because DS did almost same dmg and healed you.
I mean frost also has never been designed to keep breath up in pvp (maybe wod?)
I am not too familiar with the RP generation numbers but unholy regens runes faster and thus can regen RP faster? Isn’t RP per rune spent basically fixed?

i just don’t think buffing DS is healthy for the game, we don’t need more immortal specs in the game. Rather give them a defensive upgrade if dying quickly is their problem

Those in AWC play together with other multi rank 1 players.

Just because certain underperforming classes/specs are in top 100 arena,it doesn’t mean its viable.

Actually DK-s still have a chance, cuz promised AMZ nerf will be in future build. So, maybeeeeee or not. Kekw :ok_hand: :nerd_face:

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