Thank you. :-)

Litterally false.


lmao this thread shows otherwise. Hopefully the rest of your Butt Buddies does at least or it’s one dangerous community yo.

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Yea, lets thank a Ceo who treathens employ”s life.

Who knows about bad conduct and harrasement inside organization”

Who doesnt give 1 cent on playerbase and views us as strictly numbers on papers or excels.

I guess for the love of wow you dont care about other people:), i thank also good people who worked on the game; but giving tks to Bob its like inviting “devil” inside ur soul.

Also, they gave us minimmum effort and grind systems to keep us subbed instead of great content that keeps us subbed.

Im not frocing my opinion on you, but take it with a grain of salt, u dont matter to blizzard”s level executives, nor do i.

U matter as nr 765k subbed; guess thats a great achievement nowadays!

And yea, some part of the comunity are nasty, but most part are good people who pay”d for this game to evolve, not going down hill.

So what was blizzard doing good in the last 3 years?

I think comunitty had great points yo be upset, giving them money for “ expired chocolate”

Have a good one!

Assuming the goal is to make people not want to use the service? Because then it’s doing a splendid job.


i cant understand why there a continue necessity to bump this obnoxious thread.

May well be an attempt to make it more visible for the mods?

Can’t see any other reason tbh.

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