We like to think of it as a National Pastime, along with self deprecation, sarcasm, tea, talking about the weather (You would too if you had so damned much of the stuff) buttered crumpets, inventing sporting games that subsequently everyone else in the world turns out to be better at us than we are, queuing, tutting when people jump queues, being terrible at foreign languages and assuming everyone else speaks English, and generally just ‘muddling through’…
Have to admit I do miss being able to get hold of some Cornish pasties.
There are companies that deliver Cornish Pasties to your door these days!
That’s it… No more Wacky-Tobacky for you Mr.Bluetrain… It’s waay past your bedtime and it shows
You’re giving the impression that the things you listed here are somehow bad qualities!
Ah it’s that Boost Boost Buddies DH Troll Thread Number XXXXX again. And the Troll OP Ressurrected from the dead after having being gone for a week.
When will the bad trolls ever try, like.
Not be the same old farce everytime…
This is such a troll post or you just have no clue about what has been going on and/or are out of touch with reality.
Just because other people do bad things and nothing is done does not mean that we should therefore not hold people to account when found at fault in a literal scandal like this. Something should be done in all cases that warrant it, this is not a reason to do nothing.
You are happy to support individuals who have created/allowed an unfair and unsafe work environment and are against anyone in support of the victims of this simply because there is other injustice in the world you feel the supporters are not giving any/enough attention to?
Those victims who are suffering are the ones who are actually the ones who have been putting the most work directly into the game you love. “Bob and all the other bosses” do not work directly on the game you love. Bobby works on the corporate/financial side and may give the green light on ideas proposed to him/the board by others at most (ideas of people lower down the totem pole).
I will give you that the community has issues, but it is definitely exacerbated in some (not all) cases by the quality of the game and some development choices (which would have been decided at a higher level than the guys working directly on the game, and who were striking/walking out).
This latest part of the Blizzard/Activision drama is basically lies and deceit (part directly from Bobby himself) as well as bringing a female lead into the fold and paying her LESS than her male co-lead. Jen and Mike being brought in as co-leads was meant to be evidence of change for the better, but it was the same old, same old. Jen was paid less than Mike for the same role, no equality.
Effort has been put into making changes in Blizzard for the better, but more needs to be done and the right changes need to be made.
P.S. I am glad you like the game, but the game isn’t made for just you.
It’s actually worse than that, Bobby could very well be one of if not the sole person responsible for all the bad practices in WoW, like cash shop, level boosts, the very “natural” 5 week time gates, etc.
Sorry I haven’t really been following why Jen left (it really did feel very sus when I heard about it). Is there any proof she was paid less or a diversity hire ? Cause that would really suck, I was somewhat excited for her (because she had the CV) and for Mike (because he actually plays the game at a high level) to be stepping in for JAB.
I held back not to speculate too much and get called out, if I actually went into my real thoughts on all this I might end up with a forum ban xD
This was just posted to wowhead. Gives you all you need to know about it really!
Mike was a top lad for supporting equal pay as you can see also.
Nailed it
Being anti sexual harassment doesn’t stop anybody evolving as a species, quite the opposite.
You can love a game/product/service, and simultaneously not be so foolish as to believe that the tyrants and abusers who run parts of the game are innocent, they aren’t and they don’t deserve your love
Literally every single right you currently have came from activists and revolutionaries, who saw the world was wrong and complained nasally to fix it. Not a single exception exists.
The people against them, those who proclaim “the world is a perfectly just place and can’t possibly be better” are the definition of holding us back.
Do you know why Europe has worker’s rights? Because some Brit or French aristocrat, I forgot his name, saw naked men and women working together in the mines and said “This is wrong! This is unjust! We need to have labor regulations!” He was triggered over some human nudity, what an SJW snowflake lmaooo rekt with logic and reason.
You have an actual concrete issue - Blizzard is a company that has existed for decades now and has been allowed by the power structures that be to become a miserable place to work at.
The workers are using democratic measures to try and improve their lot in life - because as we all know, democracy is the best way of figuring how to act as populations that we have figured out. Democracy is rule of the majority, freedom of speech, making your voice heard. And you are against that.
Instead, you saw fit to lick Bobby Kotick’s boots.
Imagine being a fan boy for a game to this extent. Then call others insane later in the process. Yikes
You say that like it you genuinly believe it makes you look like a better person for it. Wowie… At least when you come out of this bad trip your going trough, You could have told your self you where just being a fanboy to shield your self with.
Don’t need it to make me look like a better person, I know its the truth. But you don’t care for the world or other people, I know that. Like the rest of the people. Yet you have the gut to complaint about stuff, and get angry at people.
That’s the most hysterically ironic sht I have ever experienced.
People actively contributing to the destruction of the world, and making us worse and worse at human interaction, and complains about people harasing others, and being awful to others. lol
Yeeap… Preaching knowledge and ‘‘Stooping low’’ Reading this cannonbal of Nhlistic crap of a thread. May life have mercy on you.
I am just gonna let this thread do the rest of the talking…
Don’t get to anxious tomorrow when you wake up. We all have our badtrips. It happens
Stop feeding teh ‘Boost Buddie’.
He’s being deliberately controversial, it’s an advertising gimmick for his boosting services via teh Forum (as usual).
De people be taking again da bait… Hehehehe
Bit of a shame too, seeing the bait quality of threads having reached such a low point.