Thanks blizzard you can flush your new "loot" system in the toilet

^^^^^ This.

Yeah, not while you’re paying for them they don’t :rofl: :rofl:

You make stuff up.

People did not majorly complain about to many loot.

They complained about TF.

They didnt complain about the amount per duyngean clear…

Litterally, All those people who worked for theyr gear in mythic raids prior sl or what not only complained cause mythic gave to high ilvl over heroic and the possibillity of TF.

And the only people that benefitted from this where oirganised guilds.


Idk I feel like you guys just want to get stuff for free. Literally everyone in the game is in the same situation. Just play the game and you will gear up naturally. I don’t play all that much and I’m sitting at 204 ilvl…

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Pretty sure i’ve complained about the weekly lootbox as many other players did. Interesting how a thing designed to timegate is kept in game and the one designed to get gear faster got scrapped isn’t it ?

This IS the middle ground we are at right now. 1 less loot for a mythic + and 2 for a raid + a more consistent weekly chest. Should we get 2.5 for a mythic dungeon? 4 per raid boss i could agree with though.

The low end which people seem to think we are at is classic. Where bosses drop 2-3 item for a 40 man raid.

The biggest problem with loot isn’t the drops or forging or whatever. It’s personal loot because it makes you feel like nothing is dropping.

If fun for you means that you have to be showered in loot and be full heroic/mythic geared 4 week into expansion whats gonna be there for more than 2y than problem is in you.

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Then you’ve been extraordinarily lucky.

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TF was reason why game had so many loot drops. Before TF game pace when comes to loot drops was close to what we have now propably even less.

Do you even know what TF means?

TF made a dropped item +30/45 in ILVL…

6 months, not 2 years. It only has to last until the next raid tier is released.

No it wasn’t.

Yes and becouse of this RNG factor which made gear upgrades hard to get and earn bis gear loot drops had to be increased to compensate for TF rng. This only show how clueless you are about this issue.

Hahah yeah not like devs themself literaly told use that removal of TF and other rng forging is reason why they reduce loot drops in first place becouse rng factor on gear went down.

Define “i don’t play all that much” some people play 10 hours and say that exact sentence.

Just want to say, i’ve never been geared full mythic during BFA … So kinda strange a version of the game that “showered me with loots” didn’t accomplish that isn’t it ? Asking for the same number of loots without TF isn’t irrationial. Believing a corporate lawyer is.

Only Bis in this expansion is mythic raiding, (don’t know the rank for pvp) but there’s that one and the chest for M+14+. Anything below is not a BiS it’s an upgrade. If you don’t know that you don’t play retail, and i don’t care about classic player opinions about how the game should reward players in a version they don’t play.

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No, You’re clueless about what this is about yourself because I have litterally posted this arguement many times.

We dont want TF.

We want a sence off progression, starting at 184 in a proper steady manner.

I never had that problem prior and I never even procced a godly TF.

End of the tier I was always 30ilvls or so below max. Whats wrong with being 30 ilvls below max?

Don’t flush toxic sludge down the toilet people.

Titanforging was removed a long time ago, it isn’t recent, but this problem is.

If you dont do mythic content or +15 dungeons ofc you wont be mythic geared. Amounmth of loot drops have nothing to do with how high itemlvl you get. its how fast you get it.

It wasn’t even a year ago, and it was replaced with corruption which was functionally the same anyways.